terminal strip

Frequently used electrical components that are called terminal strip are used to electrically connect printed circuit boards. These terminals are available in several configurations, such as freestanding terminals, tab ends, plug-in ends, etc. The terminal block can be attached using a variety of techniques, including direct mounting, one-step mounting on a DIN rail, soldering PCBs to connect them, and direct mounting. Different connection techniques exist, including screw less and screwed. Screw terminals, which link cables and process mounting holes to secure mounting holes, are found in many terminal blocks. One must select between the L-shaped and straight connection directions based on the connecting site. Some products are very stable, while others save space.


  • Single level: These are the most basic type of terminal block and are used for wire-to-wire connections. A single feed terminal block has one input and one output contact and is made up of two distinct wires that are fed into and linked within the housing.
  • Double level: A dual-level terminal strip reduces wiring complexity and maximizes available space by having two levels of contacts. Multi-level devices may use a bridge to connect one contact level to another to increase circuit flexibility.
  • Triple level: Three-level terminal blocks are dual-level items that have an additional stacking level of connections. The same as dual-level terminal blocks, they can be bridged.

Screw clamp

A screw clamp termination is the type of connecting mechanism that is most commonly used. Conductors are pressed up against the conductor strip after being inserted into the block. Next, the screw is tightened to complete the connection.


There are terminal block types that are intended to be mounted on printed circuit boards (PCBs). Certain products include built-in pins for mounting through the circuit board, while others can be plugged into a pinstripe placed on the board. PCB mount terminal blocks are also known as electronic blocks.

DIN rails 

One of the most popular varieties on the market right now is the DIN rail connector block. There are three options: single-feed, dual-level, and three-level via DIN rail connectors. Simply clipping the terminals onto the rail is all that is required to mount them in panels or enclosures. DIN rail terminals are ideal for applications that need a tiny footprint.

Spring clamp

In spring clamp terminal blocks, a spring-operated clamping mechanism holds the conductor in place. The wire is placed into the terminal when the screwdriver is entered, and when the clamp is released, the wire is kept in place. These terminals are ideal for high-vibration environments and are extremely safe.

Push-in connection

Push-in technology makes it simple to shove the conductor into the connecting gap. Push-in types allow the use of stranded wires or solid conductors with the addition of a ferrule connector. They require no tools and install instantly.

Wire specification

The number of contacts on a product is crucial to consider when assessing it since the buyer needs to match this number with the amount of wires needed for a project or application. Contact pitch is the separation between each contact, as measured from the center of each hole or opening. The number of contacts and contact pitch, which are generally expressed in millimeters (mm), are closely connected.

Why choose the best?

Terminal strips are often designed to accept wire or conductor diameters that vary. For instance, a certain nation’s wire gauge may correspond to non-ferrous wire conductor diameters. Therefore, be sure to address each need if your application has any. Select the appropriate product based on your demands after speaking with any knowledgeable technician in your area.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of Appclonescript.com, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.