QR Code on a Business CardQR Code on a Business Card

In the world of business, networking is a crucial part of building your brand and making connections that could lead to opportunities. A business card is an essential tool for any professional looking to establish themselves and expand their reach. However, with technological advancements, the traditional paper business card is no longer the only option available. Two popular alternatives are the NFC business card, and the QR code visiting card are two popular alternatives. This article will explore the advantages and disadvantages of using QR codes on a business card.

First, let’s understand what a QR code is. A QR code is a two-dimensional barcode that a smartphone’s camera can read. It contains information about the marketed product or service, such as a website or contact information. The user can scan the code with their smartphone, which will take them to the designated webpage or open a pre-defined action.

Pros of QR codes on a business card

Easy to share: QR codes are a quick and easy way to share contact information with others. Instead of manually entering someone’s phone number or email address, they can simply scan the QR code and save the data directly to their phone.

Interactive: QR codes can link to more than just contact information. They can connect to a website, social media account, or video. This makes the business card more engaging and memorable.

Cost-effective: Printing QR codes on a business card is relatively inexpensive, especially compared to other high-tech alternatives like NFC cards.

  • Business cards can be a physical reminder of a meeting or networking event. People can keep them on their desks, wallets, or briefcases to refer back to when needed.
  • Traditional business cards can provide a sense of professionalism and credibility in certain industries or cultures where they are expected.
  • Paper business cards can be more tactile and memorable for sharing contact information than digital cards.
  • Paper business cards can be a way to showcase your brand through unique designs, fonts, and paper types.

Cons of QR codes on a business card

Requires a smartphone: QR codes can only be read by smartphones. If someone does not have a smartphone or knows how to scan a QR code, they cannot access the information.

Low visibility: QR codes are small and often printed in black and white, making them difficult to scan in low light or from a distance. This can frustrate users who have to adjust their phone’s camera to capture the code.

Security concerns: QR codes can link to malicious websites or download harmful software. Users need to be cautious when scanning codes from unknown sources.

  • Paper business cards can be easily lost, damaged, or forgotten, making it difficult for people to contact you.
  • Traditional paper business cards can be costly and require ongoing printing costs for updates or reorders.
  • Traditional paper business cards may be seen as outdated or environmentally unfriendly in some cultures or industries.
  • Paper business cards are not easily shareable digitally, which can limit their reach and accessibility to potential clients or partners who prefer to keep digital records.


Depending on your target audience and business needs, QR codes on a business card can be a good or bad option. If your target audience is tech-savvy and likely to use their smartphones to scan QR codes, it can be an effective way to share information and engage with potential clients. However, if your target audience is less tech-savvy or security concerns are a top priority, a traditional paper business card or NFC business card may be a better option.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of Appclonescript.com, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.