flutter application development

Flutter is a widely known open-source UI toolkit and used by developers for more than decades. Flutter is developed by Google which acts as an additional benefit. But what made Flutter reach new heights? It is Flutter’s potential to allow developers to create natively compiled applications. Whether your goal is to develop a mobile app, or desktop or to develop a website, Hire Flutter app developers who deliver the desired outcome with just a single codebase.   

You can use Flutter app development services for advanced mobile app development as it comes with plenty of merits like faster time to market, reduced development costs, and a rich set of pre-designed widgets. 

This guide outlines the step-by-step process of building mobile apps with Flutter, providing insights into key aspects of Flutter application development. 

Steps To Build Mobile Apps With Flutter  

1. Setting Up the Flutter Environment 

1. Flutter SDK Download

In the first step, you have to download and install the Flutter SDK from the official Flutter website. Pay attention to the version you are downloading. You must download the correct version for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux) to get the expected results. 

2. Build an IDE

After the installation, select an Integrated Development Environment such as Visual Studio Code or Android Studio. Make sure to install the Flutter and Dart plugins to allow Flutter development. 

3. Configuring the Path

After that, you must add the Flutter SDK path to your system environment variables to enable access to Flutter commands from the terminal. 

4. Verifying Installation

In this step, you have to run the command `flutter doctor` in the terminal. The purpose behind this is to check the installation. This command thoroughly checks for any missing dependencies. This comment has another key role to play. This command provides guidance on how to resolve them. Hire Flutter developers with exceptional knowledge to successfully set up your Flutter environment. 

2. Creating a New Flutter Project 

Partner with a top app development company, to develop a new Flutter project. 

1. Use the Command Line

Open the terminal and run `flutter create project_name` to create a new Flutter project. This command generates the necessary files and directory structure. 

2. Pay attention to IDE

In your chosen IDE provided by Flutter app development services, use the option to create a new Flutter project. Follow the prompts to name your project and select the desired options.

3. Understanding the Project Structure 

A Flutter project has a specific structure, which includes:

 1. Lib Folder

This is an essential folder that contains the main Dart files for your app. Also, you should know that the `main.dart` file is the entry point for any app. 

2.  What does the “pubspec.yaml” file do?

This file manages the project’s dependencies, such as external packages and assets. 

3. Android and iOS Folders

These directories contain platform-specific code and configurations for Android and iOS, respectively. As understanding the structure is paramount, partner with a reliable Flutter app development company for your app development. 

4. Creating the User Interface

Flutter’s user interface is built by widgets. Each UI element is a widget in Flutter. This paves the way for developers to create more sophisticated interfaces. The steps for creating the UI include: 

1. Choosing Widgets

Flutter offers a diverse set of widgets, including ‘Container’, ‘Row’, ‘Column’, ‘Text’, and ‘Image’. Use these widgets to create your interface. 

2. Composing Widgets

Use basic widgets to build complicated layouts. For instance, use a ‘Column’ widget to stack numerous ‘Text’ widgets vertically. 

 3. Customizing Widgets

Set widget characteristics such as color, size, and padding. 

4. Using Stateful and Stateless Widgets 

Before jumping into your development make sure to learn about the stark difference between `StatefulWidget` and `StatelessWidget`. Use `StatefulWidget` when the UI needs to change dynamically and `StatelessWidget` is for static content. 

5. Managing State 

Managing the state is crucial in Flutter app development. Flutter provides various methods for state management:   

1. SetState 

Use the `setState` method to update the state of a `StatefulWidget`. This method triggers a rebuild of the widget tree. 

2. InheritedWidget

Share data across the widget tree using `InheritedWidget`. This is useful for propagating state to multiple child widgets. 

3. Provider Package

 The `Provider` package is a popular choice for state management. It simplifies the process of managing and accessing the state. 

4. Bloc Pattern

The Bloc (Business Logic Component) pattern helps separate business logic from the UI. It uses streams to manage state changes. 

6. Integrating Backend Services 

Backend services are a must for every mobile app. The goal of this service is to perform data storage and retrieval. Here is how to incorporate these services into your Flutter app: 

1. HTTP Requests

You should make use of the `http` package to make HTTP requests to backend APIs. With this, you can also handle responses and parse JSON data. 

2. Firebase

It is recommended to opt for Firebase as it provides a suite of backend services. The backend services of Firebase 

  • Authentication 
  • Real-time database  
  • Cloud storage and many more.  

At last, you can integrate Firebase into your Flutter app using the `firebase_core` package. 

3. GraphQL

When you would like to opt for more complex data querying, it is wise to use GraphQL over Firebase. The `graphql_flutter` package helps integrate GraphQL into your Flutter app in no time. 

7. Testing and Debugging 

Testing and debugging are essential to ensure the quality of your application: 

1. Unit Tests

Write unit tests to test individual functions and methods. Use the `test` package for unit testing. 

2. Widget Tests

Test the UI components using widget tests. Ensure the UI behaves as expected. 

3. Integration Tests 

Perform integration tests to test the entire application flow. Use the `integration_test` package. 

4. Debugging

What do the debugging tools provided by your IDE do in your Flutter development? The key role of debugging tools is to spot and fix issues. Using the Flutter DevTools will pave the way for more advanced debugging and performance analysis. 

8. Building and Deployment of the App 

Once the app is developed and tested, build and deploy it for the specific platform that you have in mind to launch it.  

1. Developing an app for Android

Use the `flutter build apk` command to develop a robust APK for Android. Configure signing options for release builds. 

2. Developing an App for iOS

Use the `flutter build iOS` command to build the iOS app. This command makes sure that you have a valid Apple developer account and configured certificates. 

9. Maintaining and Updating the App 

After deployment, maintain and update your app regularly: 

1. Monitoring

Use analytics tools to monitor app performance and user behavior. 

2. Bug Fixes

Address bugs and issues reported by users promptly. 

3. Feature Updates

Continuously improve the app by adding new features and enhancements. Hire dedicated Flutter app developers who can maintain and update your app regularly. 


To build successful mobile apps with Flutter, it is recommended to partner with a Flutter app development company who have hands-on expertise that you could rely on. This ensures a high-quality, efficient development process tailored to your specific needs.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of Appclonescript.com, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.