You are wondering about paid web copywriting because you want additional income. You want to find a job that gives you more flexibility and more time. You have a talent for writing that you want to use for your life. Have you ever written an article on the internet and wondering how to monetize it?

If you are in one of these cases, know that paid web copywriting has many advantages. And the main ones are undoubtedly flexibility and freedom. Who hasn’t dreamed of it? 

We will help you if you want to get started in paid web copywriting.

What does paid copywriting consist of?

The profession of web editor 

Paid web copywriting is about becoming a web copywriter. This job consists of writing for websites, creating content written for websites. It can be articles, product sheets, buying guides, ebooks, the first page of a site. It can also be writing articles for blogging or selling. The types of written content as well as the subjects are unlimited. 

Web writing vs journalistic writing

While some of the rules are similar, web writing is quite different from journalistic writing. Indeed, the objective of journalistic writing is to bring something new, to seek news, new and trendy information. In web copywriting, for any web content, the main focus will always be SEO in the first place. Natural referencing or SEO is all the means used to increase its visibility, to reach the first page of Google. It is for this purpose that you will be paid. You will need to write with a specific number of words and a set of keywords predetermined in advance. These keywords will be inserted in your written content, in a judicious way. But rest assured, it won’t be yours, as a novice web copywriter, determine keywords. All this takes place upstream, and is determined in an editorial line made by a web marketing professional or a content marketing specialist.

To learn more about how to become a good SEO copywriter, learn our best copywriting course and start professional copywriting services.

How to offer paid web copywriting services?

Editorial platforms

If you’re new to paid web copywriting, writing platforms are a must. Indeed, these platforms have a huge pool of clients and they allow freelance web writers to quickly get started in writing articles. When you start, no one knows you, you have no money, no clients, and no visibility. With these writers’ platforms, you can register for free, by entering your name and various contact details.

Then you write a text that is reviewed and graded. Finally, you join the community of web writers, and depending on your rating, you can start writing. Usually, either from a list of available texts, or from calls for applications for a very large number of texts, or from offers received by email to write texts.

Direct services to businesses

In paid web writing, you will also have the choice of offering your services directly to businesses. For that, you will have to find clients. To do this, you will have to determine a few themes that you like, select sites in your theme that are poorly referenced. It will then be a question of canvassing them by contacting them by email or phone, or directly by moving if you are targeting businesses in your area. Small tip, it will be useful to prepare and send examples of optimized texts which you will have written upstream and which will illustrate your work. You will need to be persuasive, convincing, and set your web copywriter rates in advance. Once the contract is established, it will be a question of understanding the customer, 

Why work on the 2 axes?`

It is important, throughout your journey as a web copywriter, to work both live with companies and at the same time on writing platforms.

  • With a content writing platform, you can start writing as soon as you’ve decided to get started in paid copywriting.
  • With content written for business, you’ll earn more, that’s for sure. But that requires wasting time on other points. It will be necessary to find customers, to invoice, to manage the customer relationship which is not always easy.
  • With the platforms, little experience required, because you are classified according to a precise rating. You will have access to content of various quality depending on your grade. So to get started, you don’t need to know HTML, be a developer, have a journalism degree or a professional copywriting license, you just need to be yourself, love writing for the web, and want to progress in web writing. 
  • A platform allows you to diversify the subjects, to challenge yourself and to improve your general knowledge. Because this job is a job where it will be necessary to glean information and if it is on several themes, it is even better. 

If you are tempted to monetize your writing, to earn additional income, as you have seen, paid web writing can be a great opportunity. If you already know how to write, that’s fine, you’re already off to a good start. Consider taking your self-employed or freelance status before starting. Otherwise you will not be able to get paid. As you have also seen, it is a profession where you have to master SEO to be a good web editor. If this is not the case for you, I invite you to carry out a copywriting course.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.