Anesthesia refers to the process of inducing numbness to the patient who is undergoing some surgical procedure. Generally, anesthetic drugs are injected into the body with the help of a syringe, which hampers the nerve signals & the brain from processing pain. However, sometimes anesthesia is also given via eye drop, spray, and skin patch. Anesthetized patients become unconscious and lose control over sensation for a short period of time. Whether it’s eye surgery, gall- bladder removal or any other surgery, anesthesia plays a crucial role in controlling the pain. It is impossible to have any surgical procedure without anesthesia treatment. Many renowned doctors provide anesthesiology services in Chandigarh & Mohali region. Anesthesia helps to lead longer and healthier lives, but still, some people have a myriad of myths about it. In this article, we will debunk 6 common myths about anesthesia. However, before proceeding further, let us have little insight into types of anesthesia.
Typically, there are three types of anesthesia: general, local, and regional. General anesthesia numbs the full body and is used for major operations like hip replacement, knee replacement, cardiovascular surgery etc. Moreover, it takes around 40-45 minutes to recover from general anesthesia. On the other hand, local and regional anesthesia insensate particular parts of the body and are used for minor surgeries. The only difference is, local anesthesia blocks pain in smaller regions of the body, like teeth, and regional anesthesia numbs the larger body parts such as the arm.
Common Misconception About Anesthesia
- Anthologist Use Chloroform
Many people have a great influence from TV and movies, and they think that like TV serials, anesthesia is given via spraying chloroform on hankey. However, it is not like that. Anesthetic drugs are entirely different from chloroform. Different drugs are used for different anesthesia. For instance, to induce general anesthesia, sedative-hypnotic agents are used. And some inhalation gases like Desflurane and Isoflurane are also used to make the patient unconscious before a minor surgical procedure.
- Anthologist Do Not Present During Entire Surgery
Another common myth about professionals who provide anesthesiology services is that they just inject the anesthetic drugs and come out of the operation theater. But, in reality, these anesthesiologists stay in the operating room till the surgery is over. Also, they monitor the patient during the entire operation and also assist them in the post-operative room.
- Spinal Anesthesia Develop Backache
Generally, women patients have a misconception that they will have severe back pain after anesthesia. It’s just a baseless fear. Unfortunately, many women have chronic back injuries and mistakenly think that anesthesia is the cause of the pain. Yes, you will feel a slight backache after anesthesia, but it will resolve within 7 to 8 days. So, stop thinking that an anesthesia injection will hurt your spine for your whole life.
- One Get Conscious During Surgery
This is one of the most common causes for refusing anesthesia. Many people think that the effect of anesthesia wanes off during the surgical operation, and they regain consciousness but are not able to ask for help. This problem is very rare. The anesthesiology doctor first discusses your medical history and examines your physical as well as mental health, then provides you with the safest anesthetic dose.
- Anaesthesia Leads To Paralysis
After having anesthesia, you will lose feelings and awareness for a short period of time. However, it doesn’t mean that you will get paralyzed forever. Doctors who inject anesthesia are highly skilled and trained. They know the exact amount of anesthetic drug that the patient’s body can tolerate.
- Patient Will Not Wake Up After Surgery
As discussed above, the patient who is given general anesthesia will awake after 45 minutes, and the effect of regional & local anesthesia lasts for a few hours to some days. But, it is not that the patient will continue to sleep even after the surgery.
The Bottom Line -:
There you have it, a deep dive into anesthesiology. It is a completely safe and effective medical procedure, so go for it without any hesitation.