Azure Online Training

We recently launched a new departmental site within the international organization Azure Online Training, Azure. At first glance, the site looks very simple. There is a weekly archive of such calls within the door containing video, transcripts, and a copy of slides used during the call.

Behind the scenes, however, there are many structures and processes that can take a lot of effort to repair and implement effectively. Thanks to Microsoft Azure, we were able to deploy this solution in a relatively short period of time. Here is a breakdown of how Azure did this.

Hosting – Azure Application Services

The first piece of the puzzle is to host the web program itself. This is where the Azure Application Services start to work. You can open a website using App Apps in a few minutes and you can upgrade and uninstall your web application as required at Noida Training, Azure. With the ongoing integration options available, we were able to automatically submit our changes to our testing and live settings whenever changes were made to the appropriate branches. With a few clicks and a small file update, you can add app details to track client and server statistics and site operations.

Reference / Document Search – Azure Search

A major need for this project was the ability to search content on videos that were not marked with product metadata marked during upload. However, each “call” contains a session text and a copy of a PowerPoint document containing the slides.

With the help of Azure Search, we were able to quickly create the target image scanner where the documents were uploaded. The targeted results were easily accessible with the Azure SDK API and allowed us to search for this content, display the same documents based on the same strengths, and the call link where the text / deck is associated. Previously, setting up the required database tables, code, mind, and final points would take weeks. All of this was accomplished in less than a day.

Video Streaming / Roaming – Azure Media Services

While serving a simple MP4 file is good, we wanted to take the next step and provide extra value for these videos. First, these videos were to be viewed by departmental members worldwide, so providing a CDN for faster access and better quality was a must. In addition, the DASH video protocol makes it easy to stream videos. Considering the fact that these videos are usually 30 minutes long, we wanted to create navigation areas for the video so that the user can jump somewhere.

Azure Media Services handles all of these things with minimal setup and coding. Once a video has been uploaded to the service, we use the Azure SDK API to launch several tasks: one to enter the media code for streaming / navigation, another to identify the ringtone, and the other to create a thumbnail video. web page Training in Delhi. Once this is done, we have a video that streams faster, allowing the user to navigate anywhere in the timeline of the video we provide links, and has closed captions. This is another feature that usually takes months to set up, but is done weekly.

Additional App

Working behind the scenes to integrate everything other Azure resources are equally easy to set up and work with:

Azure SQL Database Services provides a unique example of SQL Server 2012 with automatic backup and cloud access through SQL Server Management Studio for easy data access.

Azure Storage provides a reliable storage of all call assets (videos, recordings, decks) separately managed with app hosting services so that they can measure and independently meet their needs.

Azure Media Player is a separate media player that plays video in any web browser and will use the best playback format of the device it plays on. It was the only player that handled closed caption files in most browsers.

All of this is built using the .Net DNX Core 4.5.1 library with the new MVC6 libraries and the Entity Framework 7. This technology has provided time for rapid transition through the migration of the site, the direction of platform optimization, and integration with bootstrap / gulp / design tools. bower front-end of a visually appealing and responsive site.

Azure too

The next time you create a new web application or service, be sure to give Microsoft Azure a solid look. There are many features that will help you make your app run faster with powerful services to improve your product!

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.