
Are you fed up with waxing and shaving unwanted hair in every fortnight and month? 

Do you seek any permanent solution? 

Laser therapy can help you to get rid of that threading and waxing tantrums. This is actually a permanent solution (in many cases) or can be a big relief for months or weeks. This non-invasive hair removal therapy is gaining recognition worldwide. The sudden up in the demand of its devices has increased its market value as per a report. And by 2033, this market is likely to be valued USD11.2 billion by 2033 from USD3.3 billion in 2023. 

This article will clear all doubts regarding its permanent results, benefits, and side effects. For this, you should know about this procedure as how it is done. Let’s start with it and discover answers to all burning questions associated with laser for hair removal. 

How Laser Hair Removal Works 

For those who seek permanent hair removal, they should know the principal on which this therapy works. Typically, this principle is called selective photothermolysis. Here is how it is performed. 

The procedure starts with the application of a numbing gel all over the surface where laser beams are likely to be passed through. After half an hour of waiting, the skin specialist switches on the laser device to target hair follicles. This targeting has precision in a main role, which means that the beam is penetrated with precision. A concentrated beam targets hair roots (also called follicles). Being rich in melanin, the roots absorb that light. As it happens, the follicles heat up and get damaged. This process breaks the chain of hair growth. This is how the hair does not regrow as usual. The damage delays its growth cycle. 

Always remember, it’s just a damage, but not the destruction. The concentrated laser light heat up follicles, disturbing their ability to regrow strands. 

Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?

However, various adverts claim it to be a permanent unwanted hair removal treatment. And to a certain extent, it can significantly control its growth. As a result, maximum strands fail to reappear after a few sessions. A few follow-up sessions may be required to proactively maintain positive results. 

You may consult with your laser hair expert. He or she will schedule treatments accordingly and also the follow-ups. Following these instructions can help you in achieving desirable outcomes. 

Side Effects

This treatment is, although, safe and effective, you may see some negative effects. But, they can be momentary. Let’s gaze at the most common side effects associated with laser hair elimination. 

Redness and Inflammation

This is an after effect, which is obvious in every case. Patients see redness and mild inflammation in the treated location. You see it calming down in a couple of days.  

Skin Sensitivity

A sensitive skin may feel more sensitivity, but it’s all for a short time. Corresponding to the suggestion of a skin specialist, you can apply ice cubes for cold compression. But, do it gently and using a moisturizer that should not have any aroma or fragrance. It can reduce discomfort. 

Skin Discoloration

A few cases may experience changes in the pigmentation of their skin, which will be temporary. Simply put, this treatment can darken or lighten the skin tone. Individuals with darker complexion can be affected by hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation. These side effects can be usually  addressed over time. Only rare cases are observed wherein patients are persistently struggling with them. 

Crusting and Blisters

A few cases of blisters and crusting are seen. Crusting refers to the hardening of the outermost layer of the treated area, which peels off over time. So, there is no need to worry about, as it will be fixed on its own.  

Itching and Tingling

Itching and tingling can be sensed after this non-invasive procedure. But, these signs also fade away shortly. 

Risk of Burns and Scarring

This is the most dreadful side effect, wherein the patient can have burns and scarring. But, this is a result of carelessness. If you prefer an inexperienced skin specialist, your skin can be injured and scarred because he or she may not know the exact way of performing in with care. Besides, people with sensitive skin can also experience the likewise effect. 

Eye Injury

Laser beams are intense and harmful, especially for your eyes. If a doctor forgets to put on protective glasses to shield the eyes of the patient and his/her own, vision loss can happen.  

Ingrown Hair

Ingrown hair is hard to remove permanently. Laser treatment can control its growth, but a few of the patients observe them becoming thicker and more sparse. Doctors suggest for proper exfoliation. In addition, post-treatment is a must if you want to reduce the growth of ingrown hair.                

Allergic Reactions

All are not prone to allergies. Only a few cases are seen suffering from allergic reactions, which can happen through the numbing gel or cream that is applied before the procedure.  To eliminate this happening, doctors ask for any history of such reactions. At that time, one should share it before the procedure.  

Consultation before any procedure is significant if you want to have some good results. Meet a qualified aesthetic doctor who can assess your skin type and hair. However, he or she foretells potential risks, procedure, and results. This discussion helps in personalizing laser treatment plan so that desirable outcome can be achieved without causing any severe side effects. 

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Let’s get to the bottom of some benefits of this therapy.    

Long-Lasting Results

Although not permanent, hair removal with lasers offers a significant reduction over some sessions. This prevents the pain and trauma that you often feel with a painful routine of waxing or threading. 


Precision makes this procedure successful. While targeting only specific areas, it leaves the surrounding skin unharmed. 


This procedure, especially for upper lip area, is quicker and comes with long-term effectiveness. But, legs, arms, and other areas may take an hour or more during a session. 

Saves Money

If you compare it with temporary hair removal solutions, it will be expensive in the beginning. But if you calculate the accumulated cost of those temporary solutions, it will be way higher. 

Improved Skin Health

With waxing or any hair removing cream, people often observe rashes and dark skin. Even, razor leaves cuts and scars. On the flip side, this treatment makes skin brighter and better. 


Laser is an effective treatment to get rid of unwanted hair. It has become the most popular way to remove hair and have smooth and hair-free look for a long time. It’s not sure that everyone will have a hair-free look with it. This is simply because may factors are the responsible force behind its success. These can be the type of hair, thickness, hair colour and any other one. So, consulting with a skin specialist is assumed to be the most significant part of this procedure, which you should not skip. However, it’s not a permanent solution. But, it can keep you hair-free for years, and this result can be retained lifelong through follow-up treatments. Remember, focused laser light beams can address your unwanted hair concerns permanently if you religiously follow post treatment care regime and visit the doctor for follow-ups.  

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.