rug washing services

Rugs are no doubt heartwarming decor elements in a room. Some of them even look like pieces of art with their designs and crafting. To keep this shine on, you should know how to wash a rug or hire rug washing services to do the job.

How To Wash A Rug?

Though there are different methods of washing a rug, you can use the following as a home remedy:

Step 1: Shake it off or beatTake small and medium-sized carpets outside and shake them vigorously to remove loose dirt and dust. For a huge rug, enlist the assistance of a partner to hang it over a porch railing or a pair of chairs. To release firmly ingrained dirt, use a broom or rug beater to smash the rug all over. Don’t forget to shake the rug pad as well.

Step 2: Make a cleaning solution

Combine solvents according to the directions on your rug shampoo, or combine two to three tablespoons of mild dish soap in one of the 5-gallon buckets of warm water. Fill the second bucket halfway with clean water. If you are unsure of the cleaning chemicals, you should call rug washing services and get your rug cleaned safely.

Step 3: Test the rug for colour bleeding

A rug should be checked for colourfastness before washing it with any solution to minimise damage. With a white cloth, dab the cleaning solution on a tiny part of the carpeting. Examine the towel to check whether any colour has transferred. Allow the test spot to dry before checking to ensure that the colours have not bled or faded.

Step 4: Clean as neededIf the rug is colourfast, use a soft-bristle brush or sponge to apply the soap solution to the carpeting. Begin at one end of the flooring and work your way to the other. In the cleaning solution, dip the sponge or brush. Use only as much water as necessary to moisten the fibres.

Step 5: Wash the rug thoroughly

No soap residue must remain on the rug. Soap attracts additional dirt. Remove any soap from the area you cleaned with a clean sponge dipped in the rinse water.

Step 6: Blot the stain

Using a squeegee, remove as much extra water as possible while working in the direction of the rug nap. Use towels to absorb any moisture. Before going to the next area, scrub, rinse, and blot it.

Hang the rug to dry, lay it flat, face up, and prop the underside with risers to promote air circulation. Allow the flooring to dry completely before bringing it inside, turning it regularly to ensure equal drying. If you are unable to dry the rug, don’t leave it that way. Instead, hire rug wash Melbourne Company for dry cleaning.

What Is The Best Rug Washing Process?

The washing process for each rug depends on its type. However, many rug wash Melbourne experts think steam cleaning is the best; it may not suit delicate floorings.

 To know what’s best for your rug, you should talk to professionals and take decisions wisely.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.