handle customer feedback

Customer feedback is essential for any business, no matter its size or stage of development. It can help you identify areas where your company is excelling, as well as pinpoint areas that may need improvement.

While all businesses should take customer feedback seriously, it can be especially helpful for small businesses that are still growing and trying to find their footing.

What customers say about your business can either make or break it. Positive reviews can draw in new customers, while negative ones can cause a lot of harm.

In this post, we’ll discuss the importance of customer feedback, and offer tips on how to manage and use it to improve your business.

What is customer feedback?

The act of receiving feedback from customers about a product or service is called customer feedback.

It can come in many forms, such as surveys, email, telephone, or in-person interviews. Businesses use customer feedback to measure customer satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and track progress over time.

Customer feedback is also essential for businesses that operate online. In the age of social media and online reviews, one bad review can have a significant impact on a company’s reputation and bottom line.

That’s why it’s important for businesses to develop a system for collecting and responding to customer feedback.

Why is customer feedback important?

Customer feedback is important because it helps businesses improve their products and services.

Think about it. If you’re a business owner, then you’re constantly trying to find ways to improve your product or service in order to make your customers happy. When you don’t know what your customers want, how can you deliver what they want?

Customer feedback gives you that insight. It tells you what’s working, what’s not working, and what changes your customers would like to see. Information like that can be extremely essential for growing your business.

So, how do you manage customer feedback? Here are some options:

  • Collect feedback from as many sources as possible: surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc.
  • Respond to feedback quickly and courteously
  • Use feedback to make changes to your product or service
  • Thank your customers for their feedback

How to use customer feedback to uplift business growth?

Customer feedback is one of the most valuable resources a business can have. It can help you identify areas for improvement, understand customer needs, and track customer satisfaction.

There are several ways to use customer feedback to grow your business. The most important is to make sure you’re listening to your customers. Take the time to read through all of the feedback you receive, whether it’s positive or negative.

If you see a common trend in the negative feedback, address it immediately. Don’t wait; the longer you wait, the more damage you could be doing to your business. Fixing the issue will show your customers that you care about their satisfaction and are willing to make changes to improve your business.

Positive feedback is also important; it can help boost your morale and let you know that you’re on the right track. Make sure to store it in a safe place so you can reference it later when things get tough.

Business owners need to take customer feedback seriously if they want to see growth in their business.

How to manage customer feedback?

It’s important to understand that customer feedback is a valuable resource that can help you improve your business. However, it’s also important to manage it in a way that’s constructive and helpful.

 Here are a few tips for managing customer feedback:

Respond to every piece of feedback

Whether it’s positive or negative, respond to all the feedbacks you’ve received. Showing that you’re listening to your customers is an important part of building trust and fostering a positive relationship with them.

Act on the feedback you receive 

If customers provide suggestions or feedback, make sure you take action and implement those changes. Nothing is more frustrating than giving feedback and not seeing any change as a result.

Thank customers for their feedback. 

Thanking customers for their feedback is a small gesture that can go a long way. It shows that you appreciate their time and effort, and it helps to build a strong relationship with them.

Customer Feedback Management Best Practices

Set Goals 

What is the purpose of gathering customer feedback? What questions would you like to be answered? How many responses are required to obtain an accurate answer? The answers to these questions will assist in the direction of the rest of your customer feedback management process.

Respond to Customer Feedback

Gathering customer feedback is pointless if nothing is done with it. Not only will you waste time and money gathering the data, but your customers will wonder if you care about them.

Look for opportunities to make quick, simple changes to reduce existing problem areas for easy victories whenever possible. An efficient and timely response shows your customers that you value their feedback and take their problems seriously.

Customers must be notified and thanked

It is essential to thank your customers for taking the time to respond, whether the responses took a few minutes or a few seconds. Consider creating different responses based on the feedback provided by customers.

Use different Customer Feedback Management Tool

Customer feedback management programs may include a variety of tools to assist in the creation, administration, and collection of feedback. Below are some of the tools available.

Virtual Cloud Telephone

Managing customer feedback can be difficult, especially if you’re not located in the same city or country as your customers. This is where a virtual phone number provider comes in handy. With a virtual cloud phone, you can easily manage and handle customer feedback from anywhere in the world.

Plus, with a virtual cloud phone, you can take your business to the next level by expanding your customer base to new markets. So if you’re looking for a way to improve your business growth, a virtual cloud phone is the solution you’ve been looking for.


Surveymonkey can track respondents, allowing you to re-contact non-respondents while not bothering those who have already participated.

It also assists you in creating and distributing surveys for various areas of your business in order to gather information about customer experience.


It enables you to truly understand customer perception and identify areas for action to satisfy your customer. Hubspot helps businesses in increasing sales and grows more effectively.

What are some tips for creating an effective customer feedback system?

When it comes to customer feedback, make sure you’re taking the time to listen and act on it. Don’t just view it as an annoyance or a hindrance, but rather as an opportunity to improve your business.

Here are a few tips for creating an effective customer feedback system:

Make it easy for customers to provide feedback –

whether that’s through a form on your website or by sending an email, make it easy for customers to get in touch with you.

Respond quickly –

when a customer takes the time to provide feedback, make sure you’re responding quickly and addressing their concerns.

Act on feedback –

don’t just view feedback as something to be acknowledged, but take action on the feedback you receive to improve your business.

Make sure your team is on board –

having a team who is on board with customer feedback and is willing to help implement changes will make the process much smoother.

How to encourage customers to provide feedback?

There are a few things you can do to encourage customers to provide feedback. 

First and foremost, make it easy for them. Place a feedback form on your website or in your store, and make sure it’s easy to find. If you’re asking for feedback via email, make sure the link is included in the email signature.

Second, be proactive. Go out of your way to ask customers for feedback – both in-store and online. Thank them for their purchase, ask them how their experience was, and let them know that their feedback is valuable and appreciated.

Finally, be responsive. When customers provide feedback, respond promptly and courteously. Thank them for their input, address any concerns they have, and let them know that their feedback is being taken seriously

How to show customers that you value their feedback?

One of the best ways to show your customers that you value their feedback is to actually implement their suggestions. Not only does this show that you’re listening, but it also lets them know that their opinions matter to you.

 Another great way to show your appreciation is by sending a follow-up email or message thanking them for their feedback. This can go a long way in building customer loyalty and encouraging them to continue providing feedback in the future.

 Finally, make sure that you’re responding to all feedback, both good and bad. This demonstrates that you’re taking your customers seriously and are committed to providing them with the best possible experience.


Listening and acting on customer feedback is essential for any business that wants to grow and thrive. 

Not only does it give you a better understanding of your customers and their needs, but it can also help you identify areas where you need to make changes or improvements.

Acting on feedback also helps to build customer loyalty and increase word-of-mouth marketing. However, it’s important to always keep in mind that not all customer feedback is useful, and you may need to sift through feedback to find the gems that will help your business grow.


1. How important is customer feedback?

Customer feedback is one of the most important aspects of a business. It can help you understand your customers, what they want and need, and how to improve your products or services.

 2. How can I collect customer feedback?

There are a few different ways to collect customer feedback, including surveys, questionnaires, and comments and reviews.

 3. What should I do with customer feedback?

Once you have collected customer feedback, you need to analyze it and make changes if needed. You can then use this feedback to improve your business growth.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of Appclonescript.com, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.