Famous Python web frameworks used for developing web based applications are Django and Flask. Being familiar with Python already shortens your learning curve in any of these frameworks.
Django as a framework
Django is a heavyweight open source framework suitable for full-stack development of complex web applications. It supports agile development that promotes rapid, quality and efficient development.
Django is high-level because it provides full-stack development options such as template layouts, request and error handling, cookies, unit testing, form validation, table options, and other interfaces that software development company use to develop web applications.
To Implement functionality Django uses four significant components such as
- URL routing
- Views
- flexible
- Templates .
These components make the development process easier and, as a result, requires less code to build the application.Instagram, Udemy, Pinterest, Coursera, and Zapier are some of the top companies using Django.
Django Features
- Django offers support for several databases, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, MariaDB, and its
default SQLite database. - You can deploy it on different operating systems because it is cross-platform.
- You can use front-end tools like jQuery and Ajax with Django.
- Its Object-Relational Mapper (ORM) function allows the generation of database migrations and management
- Django is relatively fast to implement.
- Django’s adaptability to various formats such as JSON, HTML, and XML gives it an advantage over Flask.
- You can bet on the security of Django as it offers the required security measures, including
authentication and anti-cross-site scripting protocols that protect the security application
from being compromised.
Flask as a framework
Flask, unlike Django, is a Python-based microframework that can implement its functionalities independently of external libraries. Flask incorporates the tools, technologies and libraries necessary to implement web application development.
Flask offers form validation extensions and other extensions for object relational mappers, file uploads, among others.
Designers prefer Flask over Django as it is more flexible when modifying modules. Top companies using Flask are Netflix, Lyft, Reddit, Zillow, and MailGi.
- Flask is lightweight because it does not use external libraries for its development process
- Flask IntegrationA unit testing system that speeds up debugging. process and allows for robust development.
- The debugger for this framework is built-in. So is your server.
- Its support for secure cookies protects the application’s HTTP requests to different servers, thereby
protecting application channels against possible unauthorized access.
Let’s look at these differences in their characteristics.
Differences between Flask and Django
Frame type
- While Django is a full-fledged heavyweight Python framework that implements its functionalities by using external libraries.
- Flask is lightweight and has no external libraries to implement its functionalities. However, it has the necessary tools and features built in to serve your cause.
- Deploying a relational database: PostgresQL, MariaDB or Oracle with Django is easier thanks to its available built-in ORM Object-Relational Mapper, a migration management tool. This tool supports the creation of forms, views and templates based on data models.
- Alternatively, Flask provides additional extensions and libraries similar to the Django ORM. For example, Flask instead of ORM and Flask-SQLAlchemy as its extension uses the SQLAlchemy library
Alembic is a migration tool that uses SQLAlchemy. SQLAlchemy is suitable for non-relational databases.
Framework Implementation with Data Models
Django uses the object-oriented approach that allows you to link the database with its tables to classes. This approach is called object-relational mapping.
- The Django admin panel allows users to manage existing model data by providing an interface. Easily perform CRUD operations without code.
- Flask only has its Flask-Admin extension which implements similar functionalities to the Django admin panel.
- Flask, a framework that depends on external libraries and extensions to implement its functionalities, increases flexibility. It is an added advantage for software development services who want to control how to use the framework to develop the application.
- In contrast, Django’s built-in features and tools restrict the developer’s flexibility to change application modules.
Debugging tools
- Flask comes with a built-in debugger that serves as a virtual debugger.
- Django does not provide any virtual debugger.
- Both frameworks contain built-in testing support. Python framework’s default unit testing is effectively used in both frameworks.
Template engine
- To add data to an existing HTML page to your application Django uses its template engine. Django also uses Jinja2.
- Flask exclusively uses Jinja2 as the systemplate engine. Both engines contain some similarities in syntax and features.
- Django’s large codebase exposes the application to potential security threats that could compromise the application’s data and overall security. Fortunately, Django comes by default with security measures against threats like Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), and SQL Injections .
- With a relatively smaller code base for Flask, security threats may be minimal, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore taking security measures. The main security measure that Flask developers should take is to monitor their external libraries and periodically update them.
- The default Django installation provides forms; You create data models using ModelForms, which handles data entry and validation for clients and servers. The forms also address security issues, including communication between sites.
request forgery (CSRF), SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS). - Integration of the Flask-WTF extension Flasks with WTForms instead. WTForms-Alchemy then uses SQLAlchemy models to create forms.
The scope of the application
- If you’re working on a full-stack web application with server-side plating, you’ll do well to use Django. Flask is a better alternative for static website development because it offers simple features and allows you to extend necessary extensions or libraries when needed.
The RESTful concept
- They both implement a REST web service, a RESTful web service for Flask and the Django REST Framework that injects data into your application.
- Django CREate REST FrameworkIs an API that fetches data from existing data models using the RESTful interface for consumption by the application.
- DRF uses views, serializers, validation and authentication necessary for rapid API development.
Boot Tool
- The Django administration interface is developed in bootstrap. Additionally, this built-in starter tool allows you to create and style pages of your application without adding external code. Flask lacks this built-in bootstrap tool.
- Flask is your best choice if performance efficiency is your ultimate goal because it combines with fewer layers and extends libraries only when necessary.
- In addition to using features as a distinguishing factor between these two frameworks, considering their advantages and disadvantages will further help you know their differences.
Advantages and disadvantages
Advantages of Django
- Django’s documentation is in-depth and therefore a useful guide for beginners.
- Its admin panel provides an efficient user interface for administrators to perform their tasks.
- Django has a built-in unit test for your application.
- Configuration and startup. process It’s easy. In case you get stuck along the way, you can always refer to the documentation.
- Ensures built-in security measures for applications against threats such as cross-site scripting.
- It also supports dynamic HTML pages.
- Django is highly scalable. Therefore, updating different layers is easy because they are independent of each other.
- The Django community is large and supportive if you need help resolving a bug in your project or setting up Django.
Disadvantages of using Django
- You must know its basics before you can use it.
- Its extensive code base and use of regular expressions (regex) to send URLs to map views further complicate the code base.
- This framework is more suitable for high-level (full-stack) projects since its numerous functions complicate a simple project.
Advantages of the Flask
- You can use Flask efficiently with small projects and single page SPA applications because of the simple functions it requires to implement.
- It allows the enterprise software development company to use relevant external extensions and libraries in their environment, increasing the flexibility of the framework.
- Because the code base you require for your functions is small, you can develop a Flask prototype in a very short time.
- Its Werkzeug extension efficiently implements routing of URLs to respective views.
Disadvantages of Flask
- Flask does not come with a management interface, which compromises your ability to maintain models and perform basic CRUD operations in the application.
- Flask implements Minimum Viable Product development, which ends up slowing down the entire development process.
- This framework is not a suitable option for large projects.
- Flask does not support relational database management systems such as MySQL or Oracle. You only limit your support of SQLAlchemy to your database requirements.
Flask and Django are popular Python-based frameworks with different features and functionalities. The differences this article covers will help you understand the intricacies of Flask and Django individually.ally. Some notable differences between these two frameworks include their scope of application and functionalities.
While Django is a better alternative for developing large applications by software developing company , Flask is suitable for small applications that require simple features.
Flask’s flexibility to extend with external libraries gives the developer complete control in manipulating applications. On the other hand, Django comes with its built-in extensions and external libraries that limit the level of developer manipulation during development.
Additionally, Django requires you to learn its basics extensively, as it can get complicated.ate too quickly, especially for beginners. Flask has a shorter learning curve.
Importantly, equipping yourself with skills in both frameworks makes you an even better developer and increases your chances of hiring in the technology field.