AC and Air Cooler

On warm summer days, many of us must choose the right cooling option. Many of us are compelled to explore various cooling options with our common intention to balance our energy bill with comforts. Today, there are two main types of effective refrigeration options – air coolers and air conditioners. Both options of cooling have a certain edge.

Many of us are often puzzled about determining whether an evaporative air cooler is appropriate against the air conditioner. In this detailed post, we will discuss the various characteristics of these two cooling options and conduct a comparative study to help you decide.

Air Cooler

Air coolers, or swamp coolers, also known as evaporative coolers, cool the air with an essential principle. In order to decrease the temperature, hot air is blown by cool water. Evaporative coolers have to have water cooled down to room temperature, and to better cool down, you can add ice cubes. Air coolers use the engine, and air conditioners rely on compressors for cooling air to provide the main difference between an evaporation cooler and an air conditioner. That’s why air coolers make air conditioners energy efficient.

Process of Air Cooling System air cooler vs air conditioner:

Air cooling is a natural phenomenon simulated in a cooler or swamp cooler for evaporative air. We feel a soothing air breeze when we pass a river or a pond or any water body. This is because the heat-absorbing characteristics of water pass through dry air.

The air is cooled when water temperature and vapor pressure try to match air temperatures. This dissipates the heat of dry air, and it circulates independently.

The same thing happens in evaporative air coolers. Dry air goes through the cooler’s water tank. Then the air flows down to boost circulation, and a fan blows air to the room.

Features of Air Coolers

In comparison with other cooling systems, the air cooling system has many distinguishing properties. Air coolers or swamp coolers depend on motors and water for cooling air. Since our environment consumes very little power and water, the operation costs of air coolers are usually very low compared to air conditioning devices. Their operating costs are very low.

They are available in portable sizes, and unlike air-conditioners, no ventilation system is needed. Because air coolers use water to refresh air, they add humidity to the room. The entire room temperature could be lowered by a good air cooler to 20° Fahrenheit.

Air Conditioners

The most common cold option in the world is air conditioning in any climate. It is suitable. Climate relies on coolants, a chemical that can absorb heat. With the help of compressors, air conditioners such as Panasonic & Amstrad circulate and reuse the coolant to cool down any isolated space. Many kinds of air conditioners are designed specifically for any situation and climate possible. The household and commercial areas are perfect.

Process of Air Conditionersair cooler vs air conditioner:

Air conditioning is a complex process requiring a separate blog. In short, however, air conditioners have two main units for cooling. They are the condenser and the evaporative device.

The unit evaporates the heat from the room and absorbs the heat by means of an evaporator coil. The heat is absorbed by the evaporator spiral using coolant. The heated coolant is then transferred to the condenser to refresh.

First, with the help of a compressor, the condenser unit heats the coolant even more. Due to this additional heat, the condenser unit fastens the heat dissipation process.

Using a fan, the condenser unit pushes dissipated heat externally and returns the cooled coolant to the unit.

Of course, it is much more complex to have the air conditioning process, and that is just the essence. You could read our detailed blog on this particular topic to understand the process in detail.

Features of Air Conditioners

Air conditioners are better than any other refrigeration option. The coolants and compressors are mainly used to cool down the temperature. This is why an air conditioner’s energy consumption is far higher than any other cooling option.

Air conditioning is estimated to account for about 10 to 18% of a household’s energy bill. There are many health benefits to air conditioners. But because CFCs, HCFCs, and HFCS gas are used in the air conditioning system, the impact of air conditioners on our environment is negative.

Air Conditioner vs Air Cooler: A Comparative Analysis

There are many disadvantages AND advantages for both air conditioners and air coolers. A comprehensive comparative analysis is needed to select the most appropriate cooling option.

Operating Cost & Maintenance

Air refrigerators need cooling air by electricity and water. The water tank must be filled every single day. On the other hand, air conditioners only need electricity, and the air filter must be cleaned monthly. Despite air conditioners requiring only power, the operating cost of coolers is 3 times higher.

Energy Consumption

Cold air is much more energy-efficient than air conditioners. Air coolers only use cool air from motors. Instead, the compressors that require a great deal of electricity use air conditioners. Compared to air-conditioners, swamp coolers require 75% less power.

Moisture Effect

Since air coolers use water to cool, they release humidity into the air. This is why in dry climates, air cooling is the most effective. However, air coolers lose their efficiency in humid climates. Air conditioners, however, have an effect on air dehumidifiers. Air conditioners in each climate are nonetheless efficient and suitable.


Most air coolers are portable air coolers on the market. You can easily move to any room you like. Not all air conditioners are portable, on the other hand. Although portable air conditioners are available, the window still needs a ventilation kit to drain the warm air.


The effect of air conditioners on our environment is negative. A mixture of either HCFCs or CFCs, or HFC gas is the coolant used to absorb heat. The US Government has already prohibited CFCs and HCFCs, as stated in the “Montreal Protocol” recommendation. HFCs are safer but not 100 percent safe than these two types. On the other hand, air coolers just use engines and water for cooling air and have no negative impact on our environment.

Insulation Requirements

To ensure effective cooling, the air conditioning system requires properly isolated spaces. It rotates the same air through constant thermal absorption. Air coolers, on the other hand, do not require insulated space to cool effectively. It uses fresh outdoor air to refresh the room.

The air coolers debate versus air conditioners depends on your needs, climate, and energy. As air coolers are inefficient in wet weather, you should not buy them if you live in a wet area, although they are an excellent way to save energy, environmental integrity, and flexibility. On the other hand, you should select an air conditioner if you focus on effective cooling throughout the year.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.