Computer technology is changing the world, and it is doing so in several ways. Therefore, those who study higher education in Computer Science must have information about the latest developments. Keep reading!
Computer technologies that are transforming the world: the most important
The first thing to note is that computer technology is constantly being renewed . These technologies are the ones that are introducing major changes in the economy and, therefore, the work done by people who work in Computer Engineering is key.
However, we can point out some computer technologies that have been disruptive. In this case, we will focus on the last decades. Since 1980, changes have accelerated and, right now, economic development is not conceivable without these improvements. For this reason, studying computer science has numerous professional opportunities .
We have selected 8 computer technologies that have led to important changes:
Virtual reality
Virtual reality consists, in essence, of the creation of parallel realities . For example, using glasses you can experience driving or traveling through certain terrain. In software development services, this technology began to be experimented with during the 1950s (for military purposes), but it is in recent years that it has gained strength.
Cases such as Metaverse, which seeks the creation of multiverses, make it clear that this technology is destined to change the world. Consequently, it is good to know it in detail because immersion in new realities is going to be common.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a type of technology associated with the beginnings of computing. Basically, it consists of the ability of machines to make decisions using rational parameters.
In this sense, in the last decade there has been a qualitative leap with the increase in storage and computing capacities. With Big Data, options have multiplied because, through the flow of information received, searches can be refined and more exact solutions proposed. Today, for companies, working with increasingly accurate AI is no longer an option, but a necessity.
Therefore, AI is a pillar in custom software development services that, today, is essential. And it is foreseeable that, in the coming years, investment will continue in this area.
Streaming technology has allowed the massive retransmission of audiovisual content . This applies to movies and series, but also to live broadcasts.
The most paradigmatic example is in audiovisual platforms, which are rapidly replacing classic television: Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO, Filmin or Movistar + are some of the examples. And today watching audiovisual content on demand has become the norm, not the exception. For this reason, streaming, thanks to improvements in the speed of connections (5G), is part of the daily lives of millions of people.
Without a doubt, the appearance of streaming and, what is more, its improvement, has transformed leisure. We cannot ignore this disruptive computer technology.
IP calls and instant messaging
IP calling and instant messaging technologies have helped transform communications . And this change has occurred in a few years.
Skype, in the early 2000s, was the first program to allow software calling over thousands of miles. Another case worth highlighting, in terms of instant messaging, is that of WhatsApp, which, since 2009, allows, without additional charge, to send and receive messages and video calls from anywhere on the globe.
Nowadays, most platforms and email accounts offer this option, so this technology has already been integrated into everyday life.
Augmented reality
Augmented reality is the use of technology integrated with reality and has been gaining weight in certain areas for years.
In this case, what is done is mixing elements of reality with other virtual reality elements . For example, you can be on a real street and fantasy or video game icons can be included through glasses. This allows the interaction of both worlds.
Since it has numerous applications and is very versatile, augmented reality will have more weight. It is not surprising, therefore, that it is considered a strategic element.
3d print
3D printing has introduced a qualitative variation because, through this technology, different objects can be printed three-dimensionally .
This has multiple applications, from the world of health (prosthetics) to the customization of customizable objects. Therefore, we are faced with a technology that helps, a lot, to a better life.
It should also be noted that it also allows the prototyping process to be streamlined and, thanks to AI, more accurate models are achieved.
The blockchain, or chain of blocks, are data structures that allow different interactions to be intertwined , knowing the origin.
This is the system that most cryptocurrencies use to function, including Bitcoin. However, blockchain technology is also used for the secure exchange of information, since, by knowing its origin, the risks are minimized.
This computer technology, although it still has a lot of room for development, is changing the financial landscape.
In conclusion
Computer technology is currently established in all industries and new technologies such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, augmented reality and blockchain are revolutionizing the world. Software development company play a major role in these innovations. These innovations transform the way we live, work and communicate and will continue to be essential in the future . Therefore, knowing the most important ones and being up to date with new developments is essential for anyone specialized in this field of knowledge.