
As we age, the lenses in our eyes can become cloudy and cause vision impairment known as cataracts. Cataracts make it difficult to see clearly and can negatively impact daily activities like reading, watching TV, driving, and recognizing faces. If cataracts are significantly impacting your lifestyle, cataract surgery may be right for you.

Cataract surgery is one of the most common and successful surgeries performed today. During the procedure, your cloudy natural lens is removed and replaced with a clear artificial intraocular lens (IOL). Modern cataract surgery is minimally invasive and typically takes less than 30 minutes to complete. Most cataract surgeries are performed on an outpatient basis, allowing you to go home the same day.

Who Should Consider Cataract Surgery?

Cataract surgery may be an option if you are experiencing any of the following:

– Blurry or cloudy vision
– Difficulty seeing at night or in low light
– Sensitivity to light and glare
– Seeing double or multiple images
– Frequent changes in eyeglass or contact lens prescriptions
– Faded color vision
– Poor night vision or halos around lights

Cataract surgery is very successful at restoring clear vision in the majority of patients. Studies show that 90% of people who undergo cataract surgery have better vision afterward. The success rate is similarly high for people who have other eye conditions like myopia or diabetes. Cataract surgery not only improves vision, but also can make glasses stronger and improve contrast and color perception.

How is Cataract Surgery Performed?

Cataract removal is typically performed using Phacoemulsification, which uses ultrasonic waves to break up the cloudy lens and suction to remove the fragments. Small incisions are made to insert microscopic surgical instruments into the eye to remove the cataract and insert the artificial lens.

Prior to surgery, your ophthalmologist will determine the appropriate power of the artificial lens implant based on your desired vision after surgery. IOLs come in different prescriptions just like eyeglasses and contacts. Advanced technology can even correct astigmatism and nearsightedness during cataract surgery.

The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia, keeping you awake but comfortable. You will be asked to lie still on your back while your eye is held open by a small speculum. Most patients report feeling little or no pain during the procedure due to the numbing medication.

Recovery After Cataract Surgery

After surgery, your eye will be blurry, scratchy, watery, and sensitive to light as it heals. Your doctor will provide medicated eye drops to promote healing and prevent infection. You can expect noticeable improvements in your vision within a couple days. Most patients’ vision stabilizes within about a month.

Your ophthalmologist will closely monitor your recovery progress with follow-up exams. Post-surgery restrictions include:

– Avoid rubbing or pressing on your eye
– No swimming or dirty environments
– Avoid strenuous exercise for 2-4 weeks
– Wear sunglasses outdoors
– Use prescribed eye drops multiple times a day

Cataract surgery is usually very safe when performed by an experienced eye surgeon. However, as with any surgery, there are risks to consider. Potential cataract surgery complications include:

– Infection (very rare today)
– Bleeding inside the eye
– Swelling and inflammation
– Damage to other eye structures
– Dislocation of the new lens
– Detached retina
– Vision loss (extremely rare)

Long-term risks like retinal detachment occur in fewer than 0.5% of patients. Your ophthalmologist can discuss the specific risks and benefits of cataract surgery based on your individual eye health.

Benefits of Cataract Removal Surgery

The benefits of cataract surgery typically far outweigh the small risks. Successfully removing cataracts can lead to:

– Sharper, crisper vision
– Vibrant color perception
– Improved night vision
– Less sensitivity to glare
– Better ability to read and drive
– Reduced need for eyeglasses or contacts
– Enhanced quality of life

In fact, Medicare covers cataract surgery based on its proven safety and effectiveness at restoring sight. Over 90% of patients report better vision and improved lifestyle from cataract surgery.

Is It Time to Schedule Cataract Surgery?

If your vision clarity is declining, schedule an exam with your eye doctor to discuss whether cataract surgery might be appropriate. They can evaluate the degree of cloudiness and help you decide if removal and lens replacement would benefit your eyesight and daily activities.

While cataracts cannot improve on their own, surgery provides a safe and effective solution. People who have cataract surgery are often surprised at how much more clearly they can see after having years of progressive vision cloudiness. If your quality of life is being hampered by cataracts, take the first step and get evaluated to see if having them removed is your best option for regaining clear vision.

Visit at: to get in touch with us and schedule a consultation for your cataract treatment. Because we truly think that “every eye deserves the best,” we are more than delighted to offer seamless eye care services.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.