When developing a front-end component of an application, it is common to interact with web services and request data from them. Application programming interfaces (APIs) are mediators between client-side applications and web services that respond in a data format like JSON, which various devices and languages can understand. This interaction is made possible by APIs.
The Django Rest Framework can be used to build a Rest API, and this article will show us how to do so. With its powerful and flexible toolkit, the Django Rest Framework (DRF) on the Django Framework is highly recommended for building web Rest APIs. Representational state transfer, abbreviated as REST, is an architectural software style that specifies web architecture design and development guidelines.
Using the Django Rest Framework, this tutorial will walk you through creating an API. Django Training in Delhi can help you to get the knowledge.
Setting the Stage
In the case of Python applications, a virtual environment is an excellent tool for sandboxing your development. It makes it simple to install dependencies within a virtual environment using the requirements.txt file, and it makes it easy to share your development environment with other developers. It helps prevent version collisions between libraries you need in your application and libraries you might already have installed.
You can learn how to install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper from Tuts+’s videos. Watch these videos to get virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper installed on your computer. You can move on to the next section if you already have them set up without reading it. You can go toDjango Training Institute to get a course on Django.
Create an environment in the Cloud.
We’ll begin by creating a virtual environment for our application. In your terminal, type the following commands:
When these commands are run, it doesn’t matter where you are in the file system. On-demand, all virtual environment files can be activated from a centralized location.
How to Install the Django App
I’ve saved some time by creating a repository containing the app we’ll be working on because this article isn’t about Django. We can use this application to keep track of our favourite authors and books. To use this article’s accompanying repository, you will need to download it into a directory of your choice and then run pip install requirements.txt. Remember to activate the virtual environment we set up in the previous step before proceeding further. It would help if you started a local web server and a web browser pointing to the installation is complete. You’re good to go if you see a list of authors on the screen.
Please try switching your local repository’s branch to final to see the results if you don’t get what you expected at any point.
Using Serialization in Your Work
Model serialization is one of the Django Rest Framework’s most useful features. With just a few lines of code, you can create dynamic data visualizations that can be delivered in various formats. As previously stated, authors and books will be the primary components of our app. Open up /app/bookreview/models.py to see the author and book models I’ve already created for you. Now that we have a few authors in our local SQLite database, we can explore them in our app’s interactive shell. Open a Terminal window, navigate to the./app directory, and type the following command into your terminal.
Fab? What the heck is that thing?
In Python, Fabric is a task runner called Fab. According to the documents,
Fabric is a Python library and command-line tool (version 2.5 or higher) to make the process of deploying applications or managing systems more efficient.
Working with Fabric a little easier, I’ve implemented a few basic fab commands that aren’t covered in this article. In the past, you’ve seen the fab runserver command. The Fab syncdb command runs Django’s syncdb command to sync changes in models with the database, and the fab shell command opens an interactive iPython shell within the application.
Using Serialization in Your Work
Model serialization is one of the Django Rest Framework’s most useful features. With just a few lines of code, you can create dynamic data visualizations that can be delivered in various formats. As previously stated, authors and books will be the primary components of our app. Open up /app/bookreview/models.py to see the author and book models I’ve already created for you. Now that we have a few authors in our local SQLite database, we can explore them in our app’s interactive shell. Open a Terminal window, navigate to the./app directory, and type the following command into your terminal.
To get an author record from the database, run the following commands in the shell after loading. What a chance occurrence!
You now know a lot about the Django Rest Framework, including how to build a web-viewable API that returns JSON, how to set up serializers to compose and transform your data, and how to use class-based views to hide boilerplate code.