angular development services

It is becoming increasingly clear that development tools enable the efficient and effective completion of projects as the web development business and technology advance. So, before you commit to a technology, make sure you research all of the tools it has.

Manually writing code without any tools could be a tedious and time-consuming process. The AngularJS framework is a lifesaver when it comes to JavaScript. Developers may build applications with less effort and in less time with the help of this framework’s various development tools.

Top 15 AngularJS development tools that can propel your web and mobile applications to new heights.

1.  Karma

Karma is a test runner that is integrated with the AngularJS framework. It is a must-have for developers as it provides a streamlined and automated environment for testing code. It ensures consistent and reliable results across all web browsers, interacts with popular testing frameworks such as Jasmine and Mocha, and controls all the logic for executing tests.

2.  Rest-Angular

To facilitate data access via RESTful APIs, Rest-Angular stands out among the several powerful AngularJS development tools by providing user-friendly implementations of major HTTP verbs including GET, POST, DELETE, and UPDATE.

Improving and optimizing Angular speed with less code is possible with Rest-Angular, which also streamlines interaction with APIs. It is widely used since it is a top tool for developing with AngularJS.

3.  MEAN

A lot of developers use MEAN, a popular and adaptable “boilerplate” AngularJS development tool, to build applications that run on several platforms and devices. Passport and Mongoose are part of MEAN’s custom-figured module set, which significantly shortens development timelines. As an elite tool for AngularJS development, it is also well regarded.

4.  Angular-Translate

The creators of Angular-Translate built a robust internalization and translation framework to back AngularJS applications. By making it easy to translate AngularJS apps into different languages, it helps businesses reach a wider range of customers.

5.  JSFiddle

When it comes to AngularJS developmenttools, JSFiddle is a popular choice among developers. By integrating support for JavaScript, HTML, and CSS into a single interface, JSFiddle provides developers with a convenient platform to write and test their programs. Developers love JSFiddle because it’s one of the most popular editors among AngularJS development tools, because it loads quickly and is lightweight.

6.  Angular UI-router

An advanced framework known as Angular UI-router is available to enhance the standard routing capabilities of AngularJS applications. Its approach is both flexible and strong, making it simpler to manage navigation and state-based routing. When it comes to making UIs that users can interact with, it works well. In addition, it makes it easier for data to go across Anular RouterState.

7.  Aptana Studio

Aptana Studio’s developer team intentionally prioritized web development from the beginning. Among its many tools for creating web apps and pages, the two most useful ones are code assistant and deployment wizard. Code assistant quickly displays which browsers support a certain element, and deployment wizard lets you quickly get your latest project version operating in a live environment.

8.  Angular IDE

The Angular IDE development tool allows developers to create Angular apps natively. It simplifies the process of creating and configuring projects, components, Angular development services, and modules, which could result in significant time savings for developers. It also includes CodeLive, a handy tool for analyzing the loaded Angular components and web page elements.

9.  Sublime Text

Sublime Text’s reputation as a dependable and lightweight AngularJS development tools with its most recent 4th version. The latest version of Angular brings a slew of useful new features, including default support for JavaScript, context-aware autocomplete, and GPU rendering, among others. On top of that, it provides a Python API for making extensions and has a vibrant community around its extension ecosystem.

10. Angular-Gettext

AngularJS development tool called Angular-Gettext may be used to generate text dynamically in Angular applications. It uses a variety of natural processing techniques to generate meaningful and accurate content. One of the app’s strongest points is its capacity to provide personalized content, advertising text, and other forms of information.


A powerful AngularJS development tool,, does not need jQuery. You may easily apply it to specific areas of code and it works with chosen text input. Its use of widgets and macros sets it apart from competing AngularJS development tools. Using, you can streamline your AngularJS development process and discover new opportunities.

12.  Mocha.js

It is necessary to use Mocha.js as a testing AngularJS development tool to ensure error-free development in AngularJS projects. The platform is famous for its support of asynchronous testing and gives customers the ability to develop tests that effectively handle asynchronous operations.

13. Jasmine

In the world of AngularJS, Jasmine is among the most famous AngularJS development tools. Developers who want to guarantee the dependability and high quality of Angular component libraries may benefit from its easy and clear process. Its flexibility in configuration and conformity to the JavaScript runtime allow it to provide a testing environment that is in harmony with the AngularJS development tools.

14.  Webstorm

Webstorm is an advanced AngularJS development tool with top-notch support for JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. It’s smart and powerful. Dealing with many current technology stacks is also made easier by it. Client and server-side Node.js developers will find it a must-have tool.

15.  Protractor

Protractor is one of the most well-known Angular app development tools. It allows AngularJS apps to be tested from beginning to finish. Its standout feature is the instant syncing and testing that happens whenever an operation is complete. Using it, developers may get a real ecosystem experience.


Making a fully functioning and user-friendly website is now within reach, thanks to the availability of robust AngularJS development tools. The top Angular developers use the tools discussed here to advance any project.

Hire Angular developers who have expertise in all of these areas before you hire them. Also, they need to know how to choose the right development tool for the job. If you want to make the most of these technologies, you need to hire AngularJS developers specifically.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.