Human resource management helps organizations bridge the gap between employee’s personal goals and performance and the organization’s long-term strategic goals. Both the parties, the employer and the employee, must stay in sync and should be on the same page. The employees should be able to do justice to his or her job, fulfil the personal milestones, and help the company achieve its goals, altogether.
Applicant Tracking System
Having established the significance of the employees, we are now aware that hiring a fitted employee is not an easy task, in fact, it is a tough nut to crack and henceforth the HR department has taken help from online software. Modern recruitment software like an applicant tracking system assists organizations in carrying out the recruitment process in a systematic way. Check out the following benefits to know the nitty-gritty of this system.
Faster Screening System
In the traditional recruitment method, hiring was done through giving out effective advertisements in newspapers, through internal hiring, or any other methods. The crux of the matter is, many candidates made themselves available for the required job, all at once. And to screen their resumes, without any established ideal format was becoming a hassle for companies. Whereas in this software system, the screening process is done automatically, the software will store thousands of resumes and screen them using algorithms.
Those CVs who do not meet the minimum requirements of the respective job will automatically be screened, which will make the screening process faster and save a lot of time for the organizations.
Smart Administrative Work
Think of it like this. The company advertises for a job position, they receive 250 applications for the position, the 4-5 people in HR department have to carry out the screening process, send out e-mails, conduct interviews and select one suited candidate for the said job.
With an applicant tracking system, the software itself will take care of all the afore-mentioned tasks of the recruitment process. The administrator just has to make few clicks and just like that, all the tasks will be completed. How easy and convenient that is! It makes the administrative work smarter and, reduces the time taken, and overall simplifies the whole recruitment process.
Transparent for Both the Parties Involved
As the whole process gets digitalized, the employer and the candidate can track the operation at any stage. With traditional recruiting, the candidate had to wait for an indefinite period to check the status of his or her application.
With ATS integration, they can track the status of their application from anywhere, anytime. If the resume gets rejected during the initial stage, they will be notified automatically, so that they can start looking for other options, this way it becomes agreeable for the candidate. The same goes for the employer as well. They can trust the system completely and have a belief that every step of the process was carried out systematically and authentically.
The candidate knows the details of the job and they are on board only after understanding how the whole system works, which makes the recruitment process transparent for the employer (the company).
Authentic Process
Technology has evolved immensely over the past few decades. Not a single corporate sector has stayed behind in making the most of the technology and taking advantage of its miraculous benefits, and nothing different goes for the recruitment process as well. The resumes will be real, and not faux.
As already mentioned above, the whole hiring process has been digitalized and hence it has become more authentic than ever before. From a candidate’s perspective, they have to go through an official procedure and register themselves on such a system, and for the recruiters, they have to install this software in their system and they can use it when a hiring need arises.
Faster Hiring Process
If the recruitment process is compared with the traditional approach, we will be able to spot many differences. Differences, that have made the whole process faster and smarter. A lot of time and cost resources are saved when the software-based hiring is done. For instance, if a company has urgent hiring, and they go with applicant tracking software, the chances are, they will be able to fill the positions faster and more accurately.
The whole advertisement, screening, and interview taking time are saved, which can be utilized in other vital operations of the HR department because the whole recruitment process has already become rapid and faster.
Good User Experience for Candidate
When a candidate is on a job hunt, he has many options and there are many platforms from where he can apply for the respective job.
However, with the applicant tracking software, the candidate can have a good user experience. The reason being, all the steps of the process are genuine and there’s nothing fake. There’s a real job opening and the company registered is genuine, so the candidate won’t be wasting his or her time.
Organizations Getting the Best Talent
Manpower for any organization is very vital. They are of the greatest importance for the company’s goals and visions. Their work accuracy and efficiency will decide how bright a company’s future is going to be.
Henceforth, more than 95% of fortune 500 companies use applicant tracking software for their recruitment needs. They get an assurance of getting the best talent for their respective job. Since so many companies are opting for software-based hiring, all the good candidates register themselves on this system and the companies end up getting the best talent!
After the dreadful 2020, the corporate world is slowly reviving and the technology is changing the hiring process completely. To ensure that your companies get the best manpower for the specific job profile, you should also consider software-based hiring for your organization!