If you are a digital marketer and struggling to make your websites flourishing, you should realize the importance of image optimization! We all know that images are essential to ensuring that your content is more friendly, engaging, and appealing to users. Yet, they are equally valuable in terms of SEO.
Unfortunately, today, several digital marketers make one mistake: They use PNG instead of using SVG image format for their website’s logos and content. Alike, many marketers know this fact and still do not use online PNG to SVG Converter and failed to reach their goals. To provide your website the best possibility to succeed with SEO, you must understand the importance of image optimization. If this slight mistake sounds relatable, then read on to the bottom line.
Reasons: Optimizing Images For SEO
To Set an Excellent User Experience
One of the most common reasons for digital marketers to optimize their images for SEO is to set an excellent user experience. They have to use the right hacks at the right time to convert a user to a potential customer.
For example, you are stuffing loads of PNG format (image) in your blog post intending to build an attractive impression. Ultimately, your site becomes heavier, and SEO will become weak. As a result, every visitor may face timely buffering issues and will leave your site right away. Don’t you think it would be great to use an online PNG to SVG converter before uploading those images on your blog post? That is what you need to know: Choose the correct format at the right time!
To Speed-Up Loading Times
As mentioned earlier, load terms are crucial to both SEO and user experience. If your website is moving slowly in its loading lifts, search engine bots and users will recognize the user experience to be offensive. That is why fast loading times are always a preference of your site, and it can be achieved – by optimizing your images correctly. Online PNG to SVG Converter and other file format converters is essential. Likewise, image compressor tools are also critical to reduce your image size.
Let us give you an example! Suppose you turn PNG images to SVG vector images, and without knowing about the file size, you upload them to your site. Ultimately, your site speed will get reduced, and users will face the same buffering issues. Once you save PNG as SVG by using an online PNG to SVG converter, you must compress your images to make their size appropriate for the SEO.
To Catch Search Engines and User’s Eyes
As a digital marketer, you must attract your users and satisfy search engines. Yet, this can only happen if you start attracting your users. Images are undoubtedly the best source of attraction, but using them rightly is also a challenge. Many marketers make slight mistakes in accomplishing the image task.
Once they convert PNG to SVG online by using online PNG to SVG Converter tools, they forget to change the image name and upload it as it is. It can set a wrong impression in front of the search engines and lowers the user experience. No matter how attractive your images are, if you forget the ALT Tags and image names, you cannot reach the right audience and cannot optimize your images at the right time.
Dear digital marketers! In this post, we have tried to explain the basics of image optimization by giving you an example of PNG to SVG Format and online PNG to SVG Converter that is common these days. So, avoid making such mistakes when you turn PNG to SVG or any other format and optimize your images properly to rank higher!