Voice Commerce

Voice commerce is currently the most hot topic, and you are definitely eager to know more about it.

Voice assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, and Amazon Alexa are changing the way we shop online.

Why not? After all, they offer a convenient, hands-free way to browse, search, and purchase products using only our voice. Here, we will find out how voice assistants are transforming the way we shop online.

So, let’s get started!

How Does Voice Commerce Work?

Voice assistants use advanced speech recognition and natural language processing technology to understand your spoken commands.

When you say something like “Alexa, order some laundry detergent,” the virtual assistant first recognizes the wake word (“Alexa”), then interprets your request (“order some laundry detergent”).

After this, it checks your previous orders, brands, payment methods, etc. to complete the purchase.

Sometimes it may ask some follow-up questions just to make sure it gets your order right.

How Voice Assistants Are Transforming the Way We Shop Online

A voice assistant helps you get rid of searching for anything manually.

If you want to order something online, just start a conversation with your voice assistant, and that’s it. You are done.

For example, you suddenly remember you need to order a birthday cake for your mother.

Now, instead of going through several websites or comparing prices, you can simply say, “Hey Siri, find me a good gift for my mom’s 60th birthday for around $50.”

Within seconds, it will show you the best results, along with discounts.

Voice commerce is not just limited to online shopping. If you don’t feel like cooking, then simply ask your voice assistant, “Find me the best pizza places that deliver in my area.”.

It will show you the top-rated restaurants according to your dietary preferences. After that, simply place your order and wait for your hot and delicious pizza.

These are some possible benefits of voice commerce. Meanwhile, it is becoming a game-changer for households with disabilities or mobility issues.

Instead of typing or struggling with a mouse, people can simply make purchases without the help of anyone.

How to Optimize Your eCommerce Product for Voice Commerce?

As voice commerce is emerging, it is very important for brands and eCommerce businesses to think beyond regular SEO or paid campaigns.

First, you need to understand how your potential customers actually speak and make voice queries.

After that, try to optimize your product titles and descriptions according to your natural conversational tone.

While optimizing your products for voice commerce, you need to think about how your potential customers would naturally ask for the product using voice commands.

For example, “Men’s Nike Running Sneakers in Size 10” works better than “Men’s Athletic Shoes Size 10.”

That’s not the end. You also need to cover other common questions and scenarios that your potential customer may ask from a voice assistant.

How Voice Commerce Benefits Consumers and Businesses Both?

Voice commerce brings a lot of benefits to both consumers and businesses. Let’s discuss the key ones:

For Consumers:

Convenience: Voice commerce lets consumers make purchases hands-free, especially when they are busy with other tasks.

Time Savings: It saves time by offering quick recommendations. No more wasting time browsing.

Accessibility: Voice assistants help people with disabilities, the elderly, and anyone who struggles with using traditional digital interfaces.

For Businesses:

New Sales Channels: Voice commerce gives businesses an opportunity to expand their reach and meet new sets of customers.

Purchase Convenience: Most sales are not converted because of multiple steps. Voice commerce makes it really fast and quick.

Competitive Advantage: Most businesses are still not leveraging voice commerce, so you have a vast opportunity to capture a huge share of your market.


Voice commerce is going to be the next big thing. It is the right time to incorporate it into your eCommerce business. To stay ahead of your competition, we recommend working with voice commerce experts like Softtrix. Such companies will help you optimize your products or services according to voice commerce. Make your decision fast if you really want to boost your sales.

Author Bio Link: https://www.softtrix.com/

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of Appclonescript.com, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.