hydraulic pumps

Hydraulic pumps can encounter issues, and the most frequent problem is the lack of flow or system pressure. Let’s explore eight typical sources of trouble that are worth investigating. To detect the problem, start by installing a gauge at the pump outlet or using a portable pressure meter that can easily connect to the system piping. 

If you notice no flow in the system, it’s essential to perform these checks to identify and rectify the problem with your hydraulic pump.

Check 1: 

Check the reservoir for sufficient oil levels, and if it’s low, refill it with approved fluid. There can be various reasons for low oil levels. The primary cause is hydraulic system leaks, where oil seeps out due to worn fittings, shaft seals, or leaky conductors, necessitating replacement. Another factor is inadequate maintenance. If both leaks and poor maintenance persist, the machine will eventually run out of oil, rendering the pump inoperative. Low oil levels can lead to increased heat, aeration of hydraulic fluid, accelerated fluid oxidation rates, higher energy consumption, and elevated rates of internal wear on system components. Regular checks and proper maintenance can help prevent these issues.

Check 2: 

To troubleshoot the pump’s rotation, start by examining the coupling. Verify if it’s rotating or not. If the coupling shows no signs of rotation, proceed to check the electric motor’s rotation. Ensure that the motor is functioning correctly and rotating as expected. Additionally, inspect the pump keys and the motor engine shaft to rule out any possibility of a broken shaft, which could hinder proper rotation. Identifying and resolving issues related to the pump’s rotation is crucial for ensuring the smooth functioning of the hydraulic system.

Check 3:

To verify if the pump shaft is turning in the correct direction, examine if its rotation aligns with the arrow indicated on the nameplate. If the rotation doesn’t match, it is crucial to promptly shut down the pump. Hydraulic pumps must operate in the direction specified on their nameplate or case. One common reason for incorrect rotation is reversed leads on a 3-phase motor. Therefore, it’s essential to check and ensure the motor’s wiring is configured correctly to avoid any issues with the pump’s rotation. Proper alignment of the pump’s rotation is essential for optimal performance and the smooth operation of the hydraulic system.

Check 4: 

To ensure the proper flow direction, inspect the hydraulic circuit and main sequences, ensuring that all valves are correctly set and functional. Verify that the main relief valve maintains adequate pressure to prevent backflow into the tank. Additionally, examine the directional valves, as they may be stuck in a position that causes undesirable backflow issues. By addressing these factors, you can guarantee the hydraulic system’s smooth and efficient flow, avoiding any potential complications.

Check 5: 

Check for the presence of an air lock in the pump inlet hose. If detected, utilize compressed air to pressurize the reservoir while running the pump, or alternatively, fill the inlet hose with oil from the pump end. After completing the process, thoroughly inspect the pressure line to ensure no air is left trapped. Properly addressing any air locks in the pump inlet hose will facilitate smooth hydraulic pump operation and prevent potential disruptions.

Why should you choose Shriank Hydraulic Valves?

Choosing Shriank Hydraulic Valves comes with a multitude of benefits that make it a compelling choice. Firstly, their valves are engineered with precision and built to the highest standards, ensuring optimal performance and reliability. Secondly, Shriank offers a diverse range of hydraulic valves, catering to various applications and industries, making it easier to find the perfect fit for specific needs. Additionally, their valves undergo rigorous testing and quality control, guaranteeing superior durability and longevity. Moreover, Shriank is known for its exceptional customer service, providing reliable

 support and assistance throughout the entire process, from selection to after-sales support. Ultimately, opting for Shriank Hydraulic Valves means investing in top-notch quality, efficiency, and expert service, which translates to enhanced productivity and peace of mind for any hydraulic system.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of Appclonescript.com, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.