emergency electrician arrives

Imagine this; you’re having a relaxed evening at home when suddenly everything goes dark – you’ve been hit with an unexpected electrical outage. Without warning, your world is plunged into darkness. You know you need to call an emergency electrician, but what do you do before they arrive? This is a common scenario faced by many homeowners, but fear not! In today’s post, we will guide you through seven proactive steps you can take to ensure safety and minimize potential electrical damage. 

Are you curious to know how you can turn this potentially stressful situation into a calmly-handled one? Are you eager to find out how you can be a part of the solution and avert potential electrical hazards around your home? Then stay with us on this illuminating journey as we break down these steps for you. Our aim is to arm you with knowledge and tips that will keep you calm, safe, and proactive in an electrical emergency.

This enlightening guide will put you in the driver’s seat, taking control while you’re waiting for the cavalry (aka the emergency electrical expert) to arrive. Let’s delve in, shall we?

Recognize the Severity of the Emergency

First things first – it’s essential to assess the severity of the electrical issue at hand. It could range from a simple circuit breaker trip to dangerous conditions like a buzzing noise coming from your panel, flickering lights, burning smells, or even sparks. Knowing when to react and how significantly aids in making the right decisions.

Be aware of potential dangers such as fire or shocks, and prioritize safety above everything else. Never try to fix a complex issue yourself – you might aggravate the problem further or, even worse, risk serious injury. If you determine that the crisis is severe, evacuate your home immediately and wait for the professionals outside.

Ensure your Safety

Once you know the severity of the situation, the second step is ensuring your safety. If there is an electrical fire, make sure to use a Class C fire extinguisher and never water, as it conducts electricity. 

Remember, safety first! Unplug affected electrical appliances, avoid touching them if they’re wet, and stay clear of water in case of a leak or flood. Finally, if it’s safe to do so, switch off the main power supply to prevent any further damage.

Keep Calm and Call a Professional

In moments of panic, we often forget the third step. It’s imperative not to waste time trying to puzzle it out yourself, call an emergency electrician straight away. They’ll provide immediate guidance over the phone and make their way to your location swiftly.

Additionally, note down what happened just before the electrical problem occurred. This information will be invaluable to the electrician in diagnosing the issue more accurately.

Light the Way

While waiting for the professional, your fourth task is to gather flashlights around your home. Not only will this help you see, but it also allows you to signal others for help if necessary. 

Remember to never use candles during an electrical outage; they can cause a fire if an unexpected power surge occurs.

Communicate with Neighbours

Share the information with your neighbors, especially if you live in an apartment building or a close-knit neighborhood. The issue may be affecting them as well, and this step will help avoid confusion and foster unity during the crisis.

Document & Inspect 

Step six: If you’re able to, safely document and inspect the damage. This step could prove vital for insurance claims and for the electrician’s records. However, always prioritize your safety first – if you’re unsure, it’s best to wait for a professional.


In conclusion, while an electrical emergency may feel like a mini apocalypse, there are steps you can take before the arrival of an emergency electrician that can not only ensure your safety but also contribute to the quicker resolution of the problem.

By recognizing the severity of the emergency, ensuring your safety, keeping calm, lighting the way, communicating with neighbors, and documenting the issue when safe, you can turn a potentially stressful situation into a controlled one. 

Remember, always prioritize your safety and call an expert instead of trying to solve everything by yourself. After all, electricity is not a force to be reckoned with. Equip yourself with these invaluable tips, and you’ll feel empowered and ready to handle any electrical crisis that comes your way, even before the emergency electrician arrives. Stay enlightened, stay safe!

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of Appclonescript.com, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.