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Good humor is at the heart of emailing trends! In 2024, your emails will have to adorn themselves in their finest attire, recall joy with beautiful colorful visuals and give hope in a context that promises to be quite special…

Hyper-personalization, empathy, values, automation and picture marketing are included in your messages, to give a more authentic touch to your communication. Without forgetting the artificial intelligence which is deployed in all marketing channels, including email!

Heading towards the 10 major emailing trends to come!

1. Personalization and empathy at the heart of emailing trends

You already know the statistics: personalized emails have a 6x higher transaction rate and they benefit from a 46% open rate.

Furthermore, 20% of consumers plan to unsubscribe from a newsletter whose content and promotions do not meet their expectations. Hence the importance of pushing the personalization of your emails to the maximum!

However, it is no longer enough to add the recipient’s name to the subject line. Consumers are now looking for hyper-personalized, but also empathetic, content that gives them relevant information related to their needs.

In 2024, we will have to rely on segmentation and dynamic content to meet these expectations.

How to personalize and add empathy to your email content?

Schedule automated emails intelligently: According to CoSchedule, the best time to send emails is Tuesday around 10 a.m. Start there, then test and optimize using your own data.

  • Use dynamic content: the email must adapt to the actions and interests of the recipients. For example, if a customer buys a laptop, it is relevant to send emails containing advice on using it, but also the promotion of additional accessories: bag, mouse, headset, etc.
  • Segment your customers well by connecting your email marketing tool to your database and your website. Email marketing and automation consultants can help you take this step.
  • Name the recipient several times in the message, not just in the subject line. It is essential to use “you” (or “to” if you are familiar with your target) as often as possible. For example, say instead: “you will save time” rather than “our company will boost your productivity”.

2. Data protection

We have just said it: hyper-personalization gives excellent results and is one of the essential emailing trends. However, to implement it, you must collect personal data, such as geographic location or user preferences. In the realm of digital presence, considering innovative strategies like utilizing a Wikipedia page creation service becomes crucial. This service not only ensures that your brand’s information is accurately represented but also aligns with the trend of providing personalized and relevant content to your audience. As consumers increasingly seek tailored experiences, incorporating a Wikipedia page creation service into your digital strategy can contribute to a more comprehensive and finely tuned online presence.

Even though 73% of users are willing to share personal information to benefit from better experiences, they want guarantees on the use of this data.

Reassure them via your data use and protection policy, but also implement reassurance techniques, such as double opt-in, for example.

By showing recipients that you want to be sure of their agreement, you send a positive and secure image of your company. Furthermore, this strategy ensures that you have a more qualified database.

3. Double opt-in and user consent

This remains a timeless trend: consent is essential for sending newsletters. It is important because a wanted email is an email received and read!

To be certain of having a healthy database to send emails to the right target, it is necessary, as soon as the email address is captured, to ensure the consent of the Internet user.

The double opt-in ensures that the Internet user is willing to receive your communications. The best solution for an effective double opt-in is to ask the Internet user to enter their email address, then ask them to click on a link that they receive by email. This double action confirms the interest he has for your brand, for your company or your activity.

It is better to have fewer subscribers, but engaged Internet users, than a lot of emails and little interaction or subscriptions and reports.

4. New rules in data analysis

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as well as Apple’s Email Privacy Protection (MPP) and the upcoming abandonment of third-party cookies, are forcing marketers to analyze their statistics differently.

If open rate has been a key metric until now, now is the time to change your analytical approach. Openness has never equated to conversion.

If you want to optimize your email campaigns, focus on the following indicators:

  • The subscription/unsubscription ratio;
  • The double opt-in rate;
  • Clicks on email content;
  • The email conversion rate;
  • The return on investment of your email campaigns;
  • The rate of spam complaints;
  • The acquisition cost per qualified subscriber.

5. Colorful and positive design

If texts are important for creating links, there will always be room for more promotional messages with captivating visuals.

Besides, in 2024, people will need positivism and joy, which comes through color!

Tell yourself that the graphics chosen for your emails will also influence their click rate. Color is ideal for evoking emotions and sparking action. Beyond the psychological aspects, a colorful design in your emailing stimulates both engagement and conversions.

Review the design of your emails and get out of your comfort zone! For this, nothing better than a freelance graphic designer who can offer you templates that meet the latest trends.

6. Usable content right out of the box

Did you know that adding interactive elements can increase the click-through rate in an email by 200%? Creating animated, clickable content continues to be a strong emailing trend.

After opening your email, recipients expect you to respond to an urgent need. They won’t remember your message later… you have to make them click as soon as they open it to convert them.

To do this, focus on content like:

  • A limited-date promotional offer;
  • Useful advice followed by an action button that invites you to implement them immediately;
  • Entertainment: video, joke, GIF, etc.;
  • A survey with multiple choice questionnaire;
  • An evaluation with a rating scale (with emoji’s or stars, for example);
  • A carousel of images to scroll through.

Email is not suitable for long content. Generally, your customer or prospect spends less than 2 minutes reading it.

7. Campaigns focused on brand engagements

If, until now, it was advisable not to get too involved to avoid offending part of your community, consumers have decided to shake up these codes. They now expect brands to make their commitments loud and clear, whether social, political or environmental. They recognize the importance of reinforcing their values ​​and getting involved alongside their audience.

So, expect creative emails that celebrate diversity, inclusion and strong causes. Beyond promotional campaigns, brands will launch calls for donations, surveys and messages with a purely educational purpose, to raise awareness among their audiences. A strategy that will allow them to create a strong bond with their community.

8. Automation and artificial intelligence to optimize email campaigns

Artificial intelligence is everywhere! It is normal that it is also an emailing trend. Its role is to help businesses build smarter marketing, to connect with consumers in the right way, with the right message, at the right time, on the right platform.

AI will therefore make it possible to:

  • Better predict performance such as email open rates.
  • Detect how often and when you should send your messages.
  • Produce more relevant content, whether subject lines that encourage opening or texts that encourage action.
  • Check email address activity to determine relevant recipients and possibly remove obsolete or inactive addresses.

Marketers will therefore have to learn to master and manage artificial intelligence to improve their campaigns.

However, manual campaigns are not dead, on the contrary! For effective email marketing, you must maintain an editorial schedule that includes all the major events of the year to create targeted and unique campaigns. Don’t forget, too, to adapt your campaigns to external events!

9. Picture marketing for emailing

Picture marketing (or image marketing in French) uses visuals to create value with an audience. Given the importance of images in conveying a message by arousing emotion, this trend will be strongly present in your emailing campaigns.

To respond to the picture marketing trend, use images that convey information quickly and attractively to your subscribers. This will allow you to connect on a personal level with your users.

Among the visuals to include in your emails, we find:

  • Graphics: very useful in your B2B emails to highlight a trend or results;
  • Quotes: inspiring, they often invite sharing;
  • Photos of happy people: Whether they use your products or not, a photo with smiling people immediately sends a positive message and implies that your products bring joy!
  • Product presentations: help customers and prospects visualize how your products fit into their daily lives…

10. User Generated Content arrives in emails!

Reserved mainly for social networks and sometimes for the “testimonials” section of websites, User Generated Content (UGC) is arriving in emailing trends. Consumers trust other users like them more! Moreover, 72% of them think that UGC is more credible than branded content.

So, these reviews illustrated with authentic photos necessarily have an impact on clicks and conversions. Don’t hesitate to use this social proof in your promotional emails. In addition to being effective, this content is profitable since it is created directly by your customers, ready to use.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.