software development

In the current digital landscape, ever-evolving customer needs necessitate businesses to stay ahead of the competition by offering personalized products and services.  Software applications play an essential role in contemporary business marketing initiatives as the demands of digitally savvy customers are met with interactive mobile applications, web applications, and targeting on social media platforms. But here, custom application development is critical as customers interact with the software applications that become a custodian of the business brand. If their expectations are met during the first interaction, it is stated that the business retains a significant chunk of its customers. Software development is an integral part of building and maintaining high-quality software applications. It is, in fact, a continuous process, and this blog is going to explain the key reasons that make software application development a never-ending process.

Key Reasons for Making Software Development A Continuous Process

  1. Latest Updates in Operating Systems: As the software applications run on various devices, including laptops, desktops, and smartphones run by different operating systems, any updates in these systems can affect the code used in software development. As the new updates of operating systems introduce new semantics that can potentially harm the code in software development and impact SDK methods utilized by the developers on whose basis the entire software application is dependent, this calls for having a continuous process of software development.
  2. Updates in Browsers: As the software applications run on different browsers and when there are updates, there are higher probabilities of having some small visual defects in the application. Therefore, businesses need to stay updated on all the latest browser updates and make required changes in their software to align with the latest browser versions, which requires continuous software development.
  3. Introduction of New Hardware: As we are living in the digital age, people tend to upgrade themselves with the latest technology and prefer to use upgraded versions of Smartphones and laptops, and businesses also need to upgrade their hardware to stay relevant in the market by supporting their workforce with upgraded hardware. Therefore, software applications designed for older versions of mobile devices, desktops, laptops, and tablets can become obsolete with new hardware systems having different configurations. It can cause slow loading of software applications, UI not performing as required, and can also lead to crashes. Therefore, software development is constantly needed to help applications stay updated with the new hardware and software composition.
  4. API Modifications: Application programming interfaces also change with updates on a regular basis. It is important to note that two types of changes are involved in API upgrades, incorporating breaking and non-breaking changes. Breaking changes, for example, include renaming an endpoint’s URL, removing an endpoint, bringing new validation rules, and much more.  The non-breaking changes can cover adding a new endpoint, adding a new inner error code, changing an error message, and a lot more. Any of these changes can have an impact on software applications and thus require a continuous process of software development. 
  5. Handling Technical Debt: It is a reality of current businesses where they need to have a strong turf against their competitors and bring updates to their software to meet customer needs. But, as the developers keep adding new codes to the software, they pile up the technical debt. With time, it becomes far more difficult to edit that code. Therefore, there is a need to look at the resource allocation for continuous testing, not to forget refactoring and constant maintenance of project documentation in the Software Development Life Cycle to remove the limitations of technical debt.


To sum up, businesses must stay updated with the latest technology trends and customer preferences, making investing in continuous software development critical. As the market changes, processes upgrade, and new factors and conditions come into play, there is a constant need to focus on software development. The demand and relevance of software development are industry-agnostic; therefore, businesses must adhere to current requirements to stay ahead of the curve and keep their customers satisfied. If companies intend to optimize the IT partner services for the same, they can resort to a reliable IT partner that offers custom application development services and supports the continuous development of software to meet market requirements. 

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.