airbnb review widget

If you have been struggling with what perks an Airbnb review widget will bring to your website and business, you have landed in the right place. In this blog, we will discuss the features and perks you never knew about Airbnb review widget. 

Trust is something that has been keeping business owners on their toes. And if you are in the hospitality business, what’s better than having an Airbnb review widget on website? Over the years trends have suggested that customers, regardless of the niche, always look for trusting factors like testimonials and reviews. 

Taking that into consideration, an Airbnb review widget on website can do the job for you. But what other perks can you expect? Take a look. 

Perks To Know About Airbnb Review Widget 

Consumers often surf your website thoroughly, before they make a purchase. This helps them to make informed decisions. And indeed this culture has made people confident and vocal about every transaction they make. When travelers go through the Airbnb widget, they get a peep into what they should expect from your business. 

1. Adds A Human Touch To Your Business 

Online services do not need to be robotic services. Your business needs a human touch.  And this is what your customers want to witness in this age of digitization and automation. And one of the best ways to make sure that your customers see you as a human behind the business and not a ruthless robot is to show them people like them. 

When you add an Airbnb review widget on the website, your customer will see you as a brand that cares what people think about the overall experience. To amp this up, you can also ask your customers to add testimonials with actual pictures and videos during their visit. 

2. Higher Engagement On Your Website 

Simply put, website engagement is when your target audience and visitors stick around, observe and convert. Website engagement is a highly demandable pursuit for any business owner. And when you showcase an Airbnb review widget on a website, your visitors tend to have a look into the features of your accommodation. They take an interest in knowing more about your Airbnb accommodation and go through all the features.

3. Social Proof For Airbnb Accommodation

Nobody likes to ruin their traveling and staying experience. This is why even in this busy world, people take out time to go through all the features and benefits of Airbnb accommodation. Another reason for its trust issue is businesses faking or not delivering as they preach.

In this situation, the Airbnb review widget on the website acts as social proof for your business. 

Testimonials by past customers become the brand ambassador you need, that too without having to pay anything. How cool is that? 

The best part about social proof is that it does not have to come from a celebrity; any paste user who has nothing to gain out of the testimonial is perfect for building social proof for your business. 

4. Adorns Your Website 

Your website says a lot about your business. For example, are you organized enough? Do you deliver what your preach? 

And a good-looking website is something that sets your business apart from other companies. Being unique will bring more potential customers and trust. Something that solves both purposes is an Airbnb review widget on website. It is true that access to the Airbnb review widget on website helps the customers to finalize if your website is worth their money. 

But most importantly, an Airbnb reviews improves the overall look of the website. Remember that, when you do not put effort into your website, chances are your target audience will assume you will not put effort into helping them either. 

5. Build Better Customer Relationships 

There is a lot that goes into building good customer relationships. It is more like developing and fostering relationships with your customers through communication and adapting other practices. One of the best ways is to display the Airbnb review widget for the website. 

This helps the customers to comprehend that you value them with their opinion. When you include such gestures, your customers feel closer to you and a part of the business. Furthermore, it makes them understand that they are a part of the final decision. 

This helps you to convert them into loyal customers. The same goes for the negative reviews. If you are getting not-so-positive reviews, you have to pay attention and make the necessary changes. Remember that, no one wants to deal with a brand of business that turn their ear deaf to what their customers have to say. 

In A Nutshell 

The secret is out. Airbnb reviews are a goldmine for both hosts and guests. While the scope to leave a review helps the traveler to communicate their opinion on the overall experience; it also helps the host to improve and market their services at the same time.  

Staying at the rental on a vacation can be scary. The traveler does not know the place or the owner. Therefore they rely on what other people have experienced at the place. And when you embed Airbnb reviews on website, you cut short the timing for their research and ease up the conversion process. You just need a good review aggregator tool to get started. 

So what are you waiting for? 

Go ahead and display Airbnb review widget on website. 

Good Luck! 

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.