sales automation

A very important ISO management tool in todays’ payment processing industry is sales automation. The process itself deals with the problems a sales team faces when it has to deal with a large portfolio of clients. The automation can be implemented in any company, regardless of size, and can be quite helpful when it comes to keeping your sales team focused and ready to engage new leads.

How Important Is a Well-Chosen ISO Management Tool?

Credit card payments are a part of daily life. Each day more and more people apply for and use credit cards in order to pay for anything from groceries to various services provided by merchants. But in order for these transactions to go over smoothly, ISOs are needed in order to intermediate the processes and to provide any kind of support a merchant might need in order to properly handle business. The ISOs are as much a part of a business as any other services provider. They help businesses grow and attract more customers by offering complex services and smart financial solutions.

But in order for the ISO to work at its full potential, one needs the best ISO management tool he can find. ISOs make money by signing merchants on for various payment services. So, the ISO needs the best sales tools it can get. This means that any ISO wanting to get more merchants needs to improve its sales techniques. This can be sometimes quite hard, because of some stiff completion on the market and of the numerous options an ISO has in order to make itself more efficient. In order to choose the right management tool, some serious research is needed.

Firstly, any ISO looking to expand and grow its portfolio has to understand what kind of merchants it wants to attract. Once that is established, the nest step is to look for the tools that can help it engage with the merchants in that niche. This can be quite hard to do, especially because there a number of tools out there, and some ISOs might not know how to choose the right ones. But with enough research and a clear idea of what one wants, any ISO can find the right management tool.

How to Choose the Right ISO Management Tool?

Like in any industry, the credit card processing industry has a very large number of options for businesses looking to get started. This means that for some new ISOs it might be quite hard to choose the right ISO management tool. It all boils down to sales and how the ISO understands doing them. Although the market is full of options, choosing the right tool takes a bit of time and a few criteria have to be met:

  1. The price of the ISO management tool has to be right. That means that you shouldn’t have to pay for something that is not right for you. Some tools are designed for larger scale operations while others are more suited to handling a smaller client portfolio. The main idea is that you shouldn’t have to pay more than what you use, and shouldn’t have to sacrifice revenue just so you can use a certain service or feature.
  2. Although you might not necessarily need a management tool capable of handling large volumes, you will want one that lets, and even helps, you grow and expand your operation. As any business, ISOs need to gather up as many clients as they can in order to expand and increase revenue. This means that what you initially started with might not be suited for you in a couple of years. Granted, you can change the tools used to manage your portfolio, but you shouldn’t just throw money every time you get a new client. Make sure that your management solution is a flexible one and that it allows for a substantial increase in client volume before choosing it.
  3. Management tools should have all the features an ISO needs in order to handle its clients. That being said nobody expects a single tool to have every feature ever developed incorporated into one single piece of software. But when choosing a management tool make sure that you at least have all the basics you need in order to properly work and be able to build your portfolio. You will most likely move on to other tools, as you expand, but for starters you should have everything you need in a neat little package.
  4. Make sure that the tool you use can be used by everyone of your sales reps. It is very important to give your sales team the best tools in order for it to do a good job. But it is also very important that the tools you provide are easy to work with and don’t demand too much of your team members. Getting used to an overly complicated tool might take time, and that time might mean you’ll lose clients and revenue. Although a more complex tool might have better yields in the long run, when you start out make sure to have a tool that is functional and easy to use.

Understanding Sales Automation

Sales automation is a very powerful tool any sales team in any company needs. The automation itself represents a process through which sales representatives are helped with their day by day activities and are left with more free time to invest in other ways of closing deals. Automation is a way of streamlining the process of dealing with prospective clients in a manner that both helps the sales representative and engages the client.

Sales automation can be done in a number of ways, but the most popular of all is using certain software solutions that can handle large volumes of data and process them without actually needing any human input. More so, the solution can identify patterns in the clients’ behavior and generate new potential leads for the sales team to approach.

What Does Sales Automation Do?

Sales automation can be seen as a helping hand given to any sales team out there. imagine that every sales representative, sales team manager and even some of the middle management figures in a company waste valuable time filling out spreadsheets with various information about clients and potential leads. This takes time and can be quite a boring operation. Not to mention that human error is always a factor. Automation solves this problem by doing all the menial tasks instead of the actual persons.

Also, closing a deal can take a sales rep numerous phone calls, e-mail and text messages. The customer has to be convinced and kept interested in order to make sure that the deal doesn’t fall through. Remembering all of that can be difficult, especially when you have an ever increasing client portfolio. Sales automation solves that problem as well. By automating messaging and e-mails, and even phone logs, the sales representative can keep his mind clear and focused on actually making a sale happen, rather than on who he needs to send a birthday e-mail and who a reminder about an offer.             

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.