cloud native applications

Cloud computing helps organizations make new connections among people, data, and processes in ways that allow for the possibilities offered by today’s technologies. In contrast to conventional monoliths, cloud-native applications are built using a variety of modular microservices which can be applied in cloud settings. An agile methodology for developing cloud-native software is used to develop additional applications. 

In the collection, retrieval, and retention of data in a consumer-driven environment, cloud-native applications are increasingly being adopted by enterprises. Cloud-native applications offer undeniable advantages because they are capable of independent management, their services can be consolidated into microservice and the workload is efficient in distributed environments as well as being scalable.  

According to a Gartner survey, cloud-native platforms are expected to power up to 95% of new digital initiatives by 2025.  

What’s the cloud-native application? 

These are a vast set of tools and applications that work very well in the cloud. The platform is used by cloud-native applications as a service tool, with an agile methodology that will transform the entire software design process and microservices to serve as a building cloud-native application on top of this architecture. 

However, the shift towards various practices such as automated testing, design, customer-focused models, and an accelerated production environment is complete. The transformation of all the development teams in an organization is needed to be able to use a Cloud Native Database, shortening delivery cycles and improving quality.

The characteristics of cloud-native applications 

The following attributes shall be included in the Cloud Native Applications: 

Microservices architecture:

These services are built on a microservices architecture, which breaks large monolithic applications into smaller, independently deployable, and scalable services.


Applications that are native to the Cloud tend to be set in containers that are lighter and mobile, enabling them to operate with consistent consistency across different computing environments. 


for deployment, scale, and management of application components, cloud-native applications are heavily dependent on automation. The speed of development, as well as the efficiency of activities, will be increased by this automation.


To speed up and increase the efficiency of software development and delivery, cloud-native applications are adopting practices that involve integrating development and operation teams. 

Continuous delivery:

Cloud-native applications is a faster and more frequent manner of releasing, allowing for greater flexibility and responsiveness.

What is the different type of cloud-native platform? 

The two forms of CloudNative Platforms are generally divided into: Structure Platforms and Unstructured Platforms.

Structured Platform –

Some companies have been developing open-source projects to cope with the shortcomings of PaaS. These are structured platforms, that address shortcomings in Platform as a Service. Such a platform as Cloud Foundry has been created by VMware. OpenShift has also been developed by Red Hat. Open source is also available on both of these platforms. It supports a wide range of languages and frameworks.

Unstructured Platform –

With cloud-based and local tools, a lot of businesses and start-ups build their platform. To move towards a semistructured platform model, these unstructured technologies are starting to work together. Netflix, Airbnb, and Pinterest have created an app platform that embraces a model of unstructured UNIX-based tools.

Reasons why you should pick a cloud-native solution 

There are a lot of considerations to take into account when deciding whether or not your business should be using cloud-native solutions. 


Businesses may not be in a position to spend too much time rolling out the product, or they risk losing their competitiveness. The faster you make the product available, the better it’ll be for your company as several companies are already developing solutions. A study conducted by over 70% of developers and teams in the product development community found that a Cloud-native model would allow them to develop more quickly. 

Increased flexibility and scalability 

Flexibility is available with the use of native solutions within the cloud. To meet the evolving needs of your customers, you will be able to make timely changes and improvements in this application. Over time, you’ll save money, time, and resources. In addition, without having to worry about infrastructure, your solution can be increased or reduced as necessary.

Reduce costs 

In the development and marketing of new products, budgets shall always be considered. Although 30 % of its data center capacity is still unutilized, most organizations are spending more than half their budgets on IT infrastructure. Your bottom line will also be negatively affected by more money being invested in the same infrastructure. A cloud-native computing approach may be able to redirect financial resources from ecosystems that are costly to the new deployment.

System reliability and security 

In native cloud solutions, resilience is designed into the design, and container deployment ensures that other components of your application are protected. Infrastructure is likewise subject to the same theory, as storage ensures that all systems do not experience disruption. The impacted components can be moved to other cloud environments via the Cloud-native approach of a container orchestrator.

Improve customer experience 

Customer service and experience are at the forefront, and customer expectations continue to change rapidly. A company with frequent interruptions is rapidly losing customers, while companies that continue to focus on the customer’s needs retain them for life. Continuous delivery is ensured by cloud-native technology’s short cycle times and frequent updates.

Higher efficiency and better performance 

Choosing a cloud-native solution for this is also an equally valid reason. They’re designed to work with the cloud, offering faster speeds and stability that could help you complete more tasks in less time. The improved efficiency in operations is facilitated by agile, lean teams and cloud technologies.


Businesses are beginning to realize the benefits of cloud computing. Better ROI, better collaboration, more flexibility, and less workload. Enterprises use cloud-based services for efficient functioning. For large enterprises, the cloud takes away technical workloads. The cloud also improves performance and efficiency across various departments.

This allows employees to deliver, cooperate and enhance productivity in their work. By breaking traditional models’ limitations, cloud-native application development is helping to make the business vision a reality. No matter their cloud infrastructure, you can allocate resources as and when necessary.

Therefore, if you need help with all aspects of cloud-native development, the best option is to adopt an agile and efficient approach that will make today’s enterprises future ready while providing them with the necessary tools to meet current needs. We offer cloud-native application development services in such situations to optimize IT and speed up digital transformation.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.