Many businesses and organizations are taking part in what is known as the “circular transition.” You can help do your part for the environment by tapping into the circular economy. Every year, companies will produce several million tonnes of waste that generate dangerous CO2 emissions.

You can help save energy and cut back on pollution by making a few simple changes. We believe that the office is the best place to start for those who wish to partake in the circular economy. Here, we will break down all of the ways that your office can contribute to a circular economy without breaking the bank.

What is a circular economy?

A circular economy is a type of economic system that involves repurposing and refurbishing products in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dangerous waste. Many products are also reused, repaired, and/or recycled as well in order to help reduce pollution.

You can make use of circular designs in order to not only create new business opportunities, but also save money for your enterprise.

Truly Embracing a Circular Economy

In order to truly embrace a circular economy, you will need to concentrate on a more resource-efficient manner of running things. Maximize the benefits of your resources while reducing waste in the process.

For example, try and share more while using less, and focus your efforts on recycling, repurposing, and reusing products. In the office, many products are commonly consumed, such as furniture and IT products.

Paper and stationery products are also used in large amounts. In order for a circular economy to work, there needs to be a marked paradigm shift in the way businesses are operated and managed. The very fabric of the organization will need to be revamped for a circular economy to succeed.

Why have a circular office?

A circular office will help cut costs on your new resources. Waste materials will also be transformed into business assets. Studies have found that a circular office model will help boost employee morale, satisfaction, and confidence over time.

Committing to sustainability will also help boost the reputation of your company, which may open up new opportunities and partnerships. There are many ways that you can contribute to a circular economy, as we shall see below.

First, you can encourage a zero-to-landfill waste culture. To do so, you must conduct a waste audit. You should also ensure that nothing from your office will end up in a landfill. There are many ways that entrepreneurs can divert their waste products to reusability and recycling facilities.

For instance, you should procure “circular” products. Waste can be reduced by eliminating paper cups from the office. Another way to obtain circular products is to only purchase and use those that have been recycled, such as paper and paint.

We would recommend that you remanufacture and donate your office furniture. Most office furniture is ideal for remanufacturing purposes. You can remodel or refurbish your old furniture for a fraction of the price of new items. You can also donate or sell it to small startup businesses or a local charity for reuse. 

Office furniture donations can help struggling businesses stay afloat. They can also enhance the reputation of your company as a socially conscious enterprise. However, you will need to facilitate the process of companies loaning, donating, and accessing office equipment, furniture, and other such resources beforehand.

Additionally, you may want to consider partial replacement. You can give old fixtures a new lease on life with a little bit of work. You can save money by partially replacing old fittings and fixtures. The end result is that you will be contributing to a circular office culture by reducing both waste and costs.

You should make it greener around the office whenever possible. Bring some plants into the business to imbue it with life and verve. Plants have the added benefit of releasing phytochemicals into the air, which will suppress bacteria and mould spore formations, and they will help regulate humidity. As well, you can make your office greener by changing it into a paperless environment.

You should choose an energy supplier wisely. You will save both carbon and money by switching to an eco-friendly supplier. You should also ensure that they are an energy provider that promotes 100% renewable initiatives.

If possible, try and appoint a circular office guardian. They will help reduce your office expenditures exponentially, and will empower your employees to devise and implement innovative circular office ideas.

You should try and save space whenever possible. For example, any additional space can be loaned or sublet. Maximizing office space usage will also reduce the need for new building construction, and you will help your company grow by creating new jobs.

Try and use renewable energy measures as well. Refurbished IT equipment that is of high quality can be leased. You can cut costs by stopping the use of fossil fuels in the office. For instance, install wind turbines or solar panels in order to contribute to a circular office culture.

It is also important to introduce energy-efficient resources. Examples include battery-powered equipment, state-of-the-art solar thermostats, and advanced LED lighting.

For a Circular Economy!

A circular economy is not just a buzz word or philosophy. It is actually a must if you want to prolong the stability of the planet. E-waste in particular is a serious problem, as the majority of e-waste products end up in landfills where they will rot and contribute to environmental pollution for centuries. Companies will need to make the necessary changes in order to embrace renewable resources and reduce waste.

As well, office furniture donations can help struggling companies stay afloat during these precarious times. Donate office furniture, reduce, reuse, and recycle products, and promote a green workplace in order to contribute to a circular economy. For more information, find out where you can donate locally.

Author Bio:

Devon Graham is a blogger in Toronto. He graduated with honours from the University of British Columbia with a dual degree in Business Administration and Creative Writing. Devon Graham is a community manager for small businesses across Canada. He also likes to research various topics related to pets, food, storage solutions and business solutions.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.