Have you ever encountered an unusual or anomaly situation that left you speechless and in a shock even after days? And worst of all, you can’t even explain what happened to anyone? It may be you caught a glimpse of a silhouette from the corner of your eyes while you were alone at home watching TV. Or you heard a weird creaking sound while everyone in the house is asleep? Or maybe your appliances are switching on and off on their own? It may happen because you experienced a paranormal activity that left you dumbfounded.

There has been a constant debate about whether there is any truth to these paranormal phenomena. Many scientists claim one may experience these abnormal activities due to physical or psychological factors. They believe it is just the imagination of a person. However, science has neither verified nor denied its existence through any researches. Ultimately, many people don’t like to believe what they experienced was just a random activity. They want to know and hunt these ghostly occurrences.

So if you are among them, you might be thrilled to investigate paranormal activities. Exploring such mysteries requires a lot of courage and planning. You can’t just start your investigation out of the blue. Get yourself equipped with essential Spiritshack before you begin the busting activity.

Below are a few essential devices you need to take with you for your paranormal activities investigation process:


Those people who live in spook houses often feel spirits continuously stalking them and watching their every move. They may not realize that there might be electrical devices in the home emitting high magnetic fields. High EMF tends to create delusional feelings and a sense of discomfort. If you have been experiencing the same scenario, there is nothing to be afraid of and feel frightened. These aren’t any paranormal activity, just some technical faults. However, a theory says that disembodied souls have energy that can disturb an emf meter’s readings. Therefore, if the meter readings are constantly fluctuating above the normal range, then it is a red flag. Ghosts can be attempting to contact you. Researches have revealed that bodiless souls radiate electromagnetic fields, which are not visible to the human eye. EMF detectors can detect these radiations and confirm your suspicions. Carrying with you an EMF detector might sound like going for a fictional movie; however, it can prove to be a nifty item.


Have you ever felt cold spikes or tingling sensations on your body in haunted areas? Paranormal investigators usually claim that they feel a hint of coldness in such sites. Rising temperatures undoubtedly occur when there are many people in a particular area. If the temperature increases or decreases by 6 degrees; indeed, this is the indication of otherworldly creatures. Adding an infrared temperature to your ghost detecting equipment can help you to deduce correct information. There are many conjectures related to the manifestation of ghosts. However, some believe that when a ghost apparition makes itself apparent, it absorbs the surroundings’ energy, forming a cold air cloud. IR thermometers can measure the highs and lows in a temperature and provide evidence in the vicinity area.


How do you intend to record audio evidence of mysterious creatures? A digital audio recorder is indispensable for recording any electronic voice phenomena (EVP). The concept of EVP is that a human can not listen intently to the sounds made by ghosts. A digital recorder can come in handy in such situations. Paranormal investigators can either go for a whole EVP session or put this recorder in the spooky area to record voices. For an EVP session, you have to switch the device on and start asking various questions. These can be “who are you?” “What is your name?” “do you live in this house?”. These recorders can even save the groaning and other minimal voices of ghosts. After collecting all this information, you can transmit the data on the computer.


Chances are you will be carrying out your investigation at the night time. If you want to catch sight of paranormal activity, doing so with a naked eye in the dark is close to impossible. Are you thinking about using your smartphone’s high-quality camera for capturing any paranormal evidence? That might not be a good idea. Your phone camera doesn’t have night vision or infrared capability, so you would need to turn on the flashlight for taking any pictures.

A simple camera would not be sufficient to conduct the paranormal investigation with little to no light at a haunted place. Usually, paranormal activities are more observable in infrared and ultraviolet light spectrums. Thus, a small and easy to operate digital camcorder can be great equipment to record your hunting. Equip yourself with a camcorder with high-quality and night vision to document everything from haunting creaks and thumping to mysterious footsteps.


You are all set to start the hunt for paranormal activity with all the devices; a voice recorder, camera, thermometer, but what about a flashlight? You may think carrying a flashlight may be a dumb idea. Navigating through a haunted place in the dark is itself a challenging task. You don’t want to fall or trip in a spooky place because you failed to notice any small object in the darkness. Having a flashlight with you can help you to navigate scary passages with no visible light. It can also come in handy for reading historical books or for interpreting maps. While choosing a flashlight for your hunting, bear in mind to select the one that is light-weight and has adequate batteries.


Documenting as many parameters as possible is vital for investigation. Even the smallest variable playing its part in the environment can help solve your puzzle about the ghost. When going for paranormal investigation, an anemometer should be your must-have tool. The meteorological device tracks down the air currents across the place. Using this tool, you can calculate any air movement in the ghost hunting place. However, heating and cooling systems can produce air in the room, such as light, windows, or any crack in the appliance. It may cause interference in the information. Make sure these factors are not sabotaging your investigation process.


If you have a firm belief in supernatural powers’ existence, then you are not the only one. Many cultures have a firm conviction about disembodied souls that remain alive after death in another world. Ghost hunting has become a subject of considerable attention as of time. The best time to investigate a paranormal activity is the night time as it gets creepier. All you need is to take some free time for this exciting experience, find out a dark place, and purchase these must-have gadgets.

Img. Src.: Pixabay

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.