career path

A job, profession or career is one of the most important elements in most of our lives. Work provides the income we need to meet our basic needs such as food, clothing and a place to live. The amount of income also determines what extra things a person can do. What leisure activities to do or what vehicle one can drive are all a result of one’s income.

A job does not only provide income to a person. Work also gives people a sense of satisfaction, productivity, and purpose. We are designed to be active and productive people. Having a job that depends on a person to complete a task or role also conveys to the employee a sense of responsibility. This kind of responsibility affirms that we are needed.

These two provisions – income and purpose – are vital to the people jobs alert. While an individual may have some degree of disability that prevents them from holding a traditional full-time job in the community, the same needs are present. They need a source of income to provide for their lives. They also want to have meaningful, purposeful activity in their lives.

Although the U.S. welfare system provides an income for adults with disabilities, it is at a very modest level – $889 per month for most individuals. Not only is this amount very difficult to meet basic needs, but it also does not satisfy the innate need for personal fulfillment and purpose.

An introduction to the knowledge that is important

So why is it important to have a job and a career? Here’s our list of the top five reasons:

Number 1: Here at The Youthhood, we say, “A good day is payday.” In other words, if you have a job or a career, you can make money. If you can make money, you can buy things you need, pay your bills, have a place to live, and generally do the things you want to do. Without money, you can’t do many things!

Number 2: Your job or career makes you feel good. Yes, you heard us right. Knowing that you can do something well and earn money for your skills is a great feeling.

Number 3: When you work, you contribute to society. You help strengthen the economy and your community. You are a productive citizen (which appeals to communities) and a valued member of the community.

Number 4: When you work, you develop new skills, learn new things, and create work experience. Then, when you want to get a new or better job, or maybe even go to college, your experience can help you do that.

Number 5: Last but not least, when you have a job or career, you have self-esteem, dignity, and self-worth. You are responsible and you make sure you can take care of yourself. You create a solid foundation that you can build on to have a successful future.

Your first job may not be the type of job you’ve wanted forever, but it’s a job that will give you skills you can use for a career that will last long after high school!

Think about why you choose to do what you do. Money? Autonomy? The opportunity to work for a good cause? These are just a few examples of work values that can influence your career path and job satisfaction. Realizing these core values – the importance, value, or usefulness of something – can give you a much better chance of not only avoiding a job that makes you unhappy, but also finding a job that actually brings you joy – two things the entire job-seeker universe desires.

That’s because people are happier when their values align with their job and career choices. So what are work values? Unfortunately, they’re not always obvious. Further complicating matters is the fact that work values are not universal. What is important to you may not be important to your colleague. And to add to the mystery, your work values may change over time: if you’re just graduating, you may be focused on getting a high-paying job to help pay off your student loans, but your focus may change later in your career.

To determine your current professional values, use this checklist, which is divided into three categories. This will give you a better idea of what’s most important to you as you look for your next job. 

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.