relieve stress headaches

When you have a headache, the only thing that matters is to get rid of the tension as soon as possible. However, if you’re hoping for anything other than a pill, try a yogic breathing technique or a relaxing spinal twist. Yoga can be an effective natural cure for headaches and it can help ease pain, improve circulation, and relax the mind. Yoga assists with the relaxation of anxiety and stress in the body, which is why the majority of headaches are caused by pain. Yoga allows the person to calm down and relax while still significantly improving circulation in the body.

When you increase circulation, you reduce discomfort and stress. Any of the root causes of headaches, such as stress and tightness, may be addressed with specific poses. Yoga is a traditional Indian activity that incorporates physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation. It has a positive impact on both physical and mental health. Yoga is often associated with the treatment of suffering.

You can, however, experience a headache during or after a session. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including poor technique or planning. Yoga is often used to treat headaches and migraines. According to extensive study, yoga may have the potential to;

  • Yoga may help to relieve tension, which is a frequent cause of headaches and migraines.
  • Headaches can be aggravated or caused by a lack of sleep. Yoga’s stress-relieving properties will make you sleep well.
  • Head pain can be caused by poor posture. Yoga will help you improve your posture and coordination.
  • Headaches are caused by muscle pain in the upper back, spine, and forehead. Yoga’s calming movements can aid in the relaxation of these muscles. Despite these advantages, it is possible to experience a headache when doing yoga. Anecdotal accounts have surfaced of headaches occurring before or after the exercise.

Headache causes:

Remember your routines and climate if yoga makes your head hurt. This will assist you in determining the root of the issue. The causes mentioned below are some of the most common causes of a headache before or during a yoga session.


Headaches are often caused by dehydration. It happens when you don’t drink as much water as your body needs. Sweating makes you more prone to dehydration. If you do yoga in hot weather or perform a physically exhausting set, you’re more likely to get dehydrated. Dehydration signs include exhaustion, elevated thirst, dizziness, particularly when standing up, dark yellow urine, less urination than normal, dry mouth, and irritability, in addition to a headache.


For electricity, your body requires glucose. This is particularly significant during physical activity, such as yoga. Your blood glucose levels will drop too low if you do not eat before doing yoga. A hunger headache, as well as trouble focusing, sensations of faintness, sweating, and nausea, can be caused by low blood glucose.

Incorrect technique:

Yoga, like all forms of exercise, necessitates proper form. The proper form for each yoga pose is essential for avoiding pain and injury. Practicing yoga incorrectly will strain the muscles around your neck and head. This can result in a headache, as well as tension and pain in the affected region.

How can you prevent a headache when practicing yoga?

You do not have to stop practicing yoga when you’re getting headaches. Instead, try the suggestions below and see if they can improve.


Headaches caused by mild to severe dehydration can be avoided by staying hydrated. It’s safer to drink water in small amounts during the day. Extra fluids should be consumed before, after, and after every workout, such as yoga. This is especially true for hot yoga, fast-paced yoga, yoga in hot weather, and yoga in the light.

Eat a small snack:

Eat a pre-workout snack while doing yoga. The calories and glucose will give the body the energy it needs to keep you going through your yoga session. A protein smoothie, whole grain bread with almond butter, an avocado, plain Greek yogurt, and fruit are some examples of pre-workout snacks.

Correct your technique:

Take the time to learn the proper technique to prevent pain and irritation. Attend a yoga workshop with in-person instruction if you’re new to yoga. Any yoga instructors also have one-on-one sessions. Another choice is to practice in front of a mirror or photograph yourself to see if you can develop your shape and technique.

Avoid inversion poses:

Stop inverting your head if you are susceptible to headaches. Downward puppy, headstand, forward flip, bridge pose, and dolphin pose are examples of inversion poses.

Breathe deeply:

Yoga necessitates the use of deep, deliberate breathing. Throughout the lesson, do your best to inhale and exhale deeply. More oxygen will enter your muscles and brain the more you breathe, and the harder you breathe.

Move slowly:

Avoid rushing into each stance or pushing yourself beyond your comfort. Begin slowly and pay attention to your body. Yoga sessions can be increased in frequency and complexity over time. Keep in mind the الحساسية (sensitivity) of your body while trying different things during yoga.

Avoid bright lights

Yoga should be done in a space with no harsh, flashing lighting. If you like to do yoga outdoors, do it in the early morning or late evening when the sun isn’t too bright. Alternatively, find a shady spot away from direct sunshine and reflections.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.