website design

How important is website design for your E-Commerce site? In 2020, more than two billion people shopped online while by 2040, e-commerce is expected to account for 95 percent of the total purchases. Whether you are looking to showcase your personal brand or create a virtual store, having an e-commerce site is crucial to reach out to your target audience.

When it comes to e-commerce sites, not all are created equal. Some e-commerce sites are more attractive and seamless than others that help boost sales conversion and user engagement. The design of an e-commerce website plays a central and definitive role in creating a rich experience for the user. If your e-commerce site is not helping you achieve your branding goals, it is time to evaluate if the design of the site is relevant.

Why does website design matter?

This set of statistics show why your e-commerce website design matters:

  • According to a study, 75 percent of people judge a business’s credibility on the basis of the website.
  • It takes just 0.05 seconds for your website visitors to form an opinion about your website and your brand. And 94 percent of the time, these first impressions are website design-related.
  • 94 percent of users say they mistrust a website because of its design
  • Most users do not return to a website if they have had a bad experience the first time

Here are some questions that will help you assess if your e-commerce website design matches your users’ expectations:

Is the website visually captivating?

An effective web design has the right balance of aesthetics and usability. Aesthetics is all about getting the visual elements right that make the e-commerce site appealing and inviting. The best service providers of website marketing Miami has pay attention to these elements:

  • Typography
  • Color scheme
  • Composition or layout 
  • Direction
  • Contrast
  • Images and graphics
  • videos

How easy is the e-commerce website to use?

According to Statista, website usability is one of the most important factors for 60 percent of e-commerce shoppers.

Users appreciate a simple, yet attractive design that allows them to quickly find what they are looking for. Cluttered and confusing e-commerce websites can mean lost opportunities to engage and convert your users. Consistency and uniformity across the e-commerce site help your users navigate the site easily. 

Is your website slow to load?

A slow-loading e-commerce website is often the reason why brands lose out to their competitors. While 47 percent of consumers expect web pages to load within two seconds, most users will leave the site if the page takes too long to load or images fail to load.

Using too many large, unoptimized images is often the reason why your website is slow to load. 

Is the content optimized?

Website copy is a crucial component of your e-commerce web design. Your web copy needs to include SEO (search engine optimization) best practices to help your site rank higher on search engines. Research shows that consumers read less than one-fourth of the text on web pages. Instead of reading through the copy, they scan your page for key information.

Experts of website design for your E-Commerce site focus on these content best practices:

  • Breaking up content into easy-to-scan sections
  • Using bullet points
  • Keeping paragraphs and sentences short
  • Using powerful headlines and subheads
  • Featuring clear and impactful call-to-action (CTA)

Does it have a streamlined checkout design?

A well-designed e-commerce checkout page boosts the chances of successful conversion. Evaluate if your website has a simple checkout process with minimal steps and fields to complete the purchase. Look into whether your website caters to multiple payment options to make it easy for your users.

Does it have a persuasive design?

When designing an e-commerce site, one of the key aspects a sports branding agency, or an entertainment marketing company focuses on is a persuasive design. Modern e-commerce sites use advanced psychological approaches to show scarcity, generate a sense of urgency, and motivate buyers to take immediate action. 

Is it easy to search for products?

If users are unable to find the product, they will not buy it. It is important to build in a streamlined search function with a visible, easy-to-use, and recognizable search box across all pages. Your search box also needs to support different types of queries based on product categories, product name, attributes, description, and customer service-related queries. Your site needs to also allow filtering of search results based on different criteria (rating, the latest products, bestsellers, price, and so on).

While first impressions matter, functionality and ease of use are critical to ensure users keep coming back to your e-commerce site. A professionally designed e-commerce site catches your target audience’s eye, gets them hooked to your page, and succeeds in converting them into loyal customers.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.