Nowadays on the internet, almost everyone is focusing on having high-quality toilet cubicles, designer washrooms, and interior designer-made bathrooms. However, why do we need these things? Can’t we have our bathrooms and toilets made by the local manufacturer? Hence, today let’s discuss what happens if we don’t have high-quality toilet cubicles and partitions.
Not Enough Space Inside the Toilet
The first thing that happens if you don’t have a high-quality washroom is that your cubicles will not have enough space. What do you think will happen if you don’t have enough space inside the cubicle? You will find the space stuffy, and will not be able to move your hands and feet much. Moreover, this would bring a nauseous feeling as you might accidentally touch the walls or the door.
Doors Have Large Gaps Above & Below
The second thing that happens is that the doors have large gaps from above and below. Or they might not have any gaps at all. This is wrong because doors need gaps in case of an emergency so the team would be able to know if the person inside is alright or not. However, if the gaps are too large then people might be able to see inside easily which does not bring any privacy.
Not Clear Ventilation
The third thing to happen is that there would not be clear ventilation. Proper ventilation is necessary if you don’t want any bad odor to go out or come inside the cubicle. Moreover, if the ventilation is not proper then at times of emergency air would not go inside which can be dangerous.
No Moisture Resistance
Washrooms, toilets, and bathrooms have moisture in them all the time. However, if the materials they are made from are not resistant to moisture then they will be ruined soon. If the doors are made of wood, soon enough the wood will soak all the moisture and let out a bad odor.
Easy to Break or Stain
A low-quality toilet cubicle is made of low-quality materials. These low-quality materials are easily breakable and can be stained by water or liquid. This is not good as they can break down whenever. This would also cost a large amount of money as the owner would have to repair them from time to time.
Not Aesthetically Pleasing
Most low-quality toilets are made for basic functionality. They are made cumbersomely with no focus on the aesthetic or the design. Even when sometimes they are made to look pretty, over time they lose their colors and become ugly looking. Hence, with lower-quality toilet cubicles and partitions, you cannot expect aesthetically pleasing quality.
Lastly, now that we have read the whole blog we know what happens if our toilets are not made of high quality. Only the best toilet cubicle manufacturers can help you build a high-quality washroom that would not have any of the problems written above. Hence, if you want an exceptional quality washroom with aesthetics, designs, and accessibility then contact Cubiloo Cubicles right now for your best quality washrooms.