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The VP of Sales, also known as the Vice President of Sales, is the executive at the top-most levels in retail, sales, or marketing industries. They supervise and manage the sales department or group to achieve and meet sales revenue and help the businesses they work for become more profitable. 

The hiring of a Vice President of sales is essential for a business. Yet more than 70% of SaaS businesses make a mistake with this crucial recruitment. In fact, the average duration for a VP of Sales only lasts about 19 months. It’s one of the most frequent mistakes companies make. 

Nothing is more crucial for a company than a smooth recruiting process that eliminates applicants who aren’t a good fit from the beginning and attracts qualified candidates for the VP of sales role. To overcome this mistake, this post serves as a VP of Sales hiring guide for you to make the right decisions in terms of hiring the best candidates for VP of sales.

When To Hire A VP of Sales?

Hiring a VP of Sales is common among startup founders who want to expand their businesses. This new vice president is expected to lead the sales division, assisting the startup’s expansion while growing the sales force. It is preferable to hire VP of Sales when a company needs to increase its income. If the business lacks established sales processes, it is another reason to hire a vice president of sales. 

When your company has progressed a little further, you need to hire a vice president of sales. You have the necessary approach and resources to succeed when you know the company’s best sales practices. It’s time to bring on a new team member who will enhance what you’ve accomplished so far and improve it at this stage.

How To Hire A VP Of Sales?

It is important for businesses to follow a suitable process when it comes to hiring a VP of Sales. You might think the Steps to hire VP of Sales is complicated. Don’t worry. We have crafted the process in an organized way to comprehend better.

1. Create A Fascinating Job Description:

Creating a suitable job description that will draw potential applicants is preferable. Write your job description to draw candidates who are well-versed in winning strategies and the sales process. One of the duties of a VP of sales involves solving issues. Having someone in charge who can solve problems quickly and stress-free when they arise is crucial.

2. Recognise Potential Threats In The Future

You should look for a candidate who is flexible when hiring. They need to implement adjustments as needed to fit the business. Some firms’ methods and ideas that are effective now might not be effective tomorrow. Therefore, aim to find someone intelligent enough to recognize patterns and capable of making changes as needed.

3. Ask Interview Questions

Ask questions that are important to the position as you start the hiring process. During the interview, ask questions regarding operational, cultural, and technical areas. Ask the candidates how they control situations to benefit their teammates and the company. Your vice president should have an exceptional knowledge of their position.

Interview Questions for VP of Sales

As mentioned above, interview questions are important. Below are some of the questions that can be asked during the VP of Sales hiring process. The first category is technical-based questions.

1. Technical Questions

Technical knowledge is vital in the VP of Sales. They must be aware of their roles and how to manage the entire team.

  • What do you think about the tools in your sales stack?
  • What metrics do you examine, and how frequently do you examine them?
  • How do you make decisions using those numbers?
  • How many staff members should your sales team have for our company?

2. Operational Questions

The next segment of questions involves operational knowledge, such as how the sales vice president manages their responsibilities and what procedures they generally follow.

  • How do you encourage your sales staff to fulfill their objectives?
  • Which sales strategies have you employed effectively in the past?
  • How can you expand your sales staff through hiring?
  • What can be done if your sales strategy is not meeting your sales objectives?

3. Cultural Questions 

VP of Sales must cooperate with the other executive team members, and the team they build and train must collaborate with other groups of your company.

  • What method do you use while working with the marketing?
  • What drives you to be a sales team leader?
  • What do you think are your greatest advantages in an executive suite?
  • How would you respond if there was a significant difference or conflict between the group and another department?

Benefits Of Hiring A VP Of Sales

A business-to-business sales process has been more complicated and extensive nowadays. During the journey, there are a lot more interactions and a larger number of decision-makers engaged. Because of this, a large portion of the business sales process is completed before a salesperson ever gets in touch with a client. Here lies the importance of hiring a VP of Sales who can help make several strategies and approaches to overcome such problems. 

According to statistics, social networking sites are used by 75% of B2B purchasers and 84% of executives (VP or CEO) when making decisions about purchases, which makes a VP of Sales bring better organization and effective methods to the table. Further, a VP of sales finds out what functions effectively and what doesn’t work. If they discover some of their sales representatives aren’t as effective as others, they’ll improve them while trying to enhance their selling skills.


The vice president of sales will evaluate the company’s present sales procedures and develop innovative business expansion plans. Where to find VP of Sales candidates is a crucial consideration because finding the proper candidate for the vice president of sales position is essential since the position has the power to either build or degrade a business. 

If you want to expand your sales and enhance your marketing strategies, The OnPoint Management Group is your one-stop solution with effective sales process consulting services. With new sales technology and expert guidance, they can help your business build a winning go-to-market strategy.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.