Every business is fueled by the productivity and engagement of its workers. This is not some big, carefully hidden secret – ever since humanity started doing business, attaining these two qualities was an absolute priority of every business owner throughout history.
Throughout this long life span, we have plenty of opportunities to try out different approaches for igniting employee engagement. As of lately, the tide has mostly turned in the direction of relaxing the work environment and offering perks like workplace game rooms, for instance.
But how efficient are these small in-advance rewards, and can something like workplace game rooms actually translate into tangible productivity? We are going to present some evidence that suggests precisely that.
Game rooms are building stronger teams
To answer this question, we don’t have to move from the topic of workplace collaboration which makes one of the pillars of the modern business world. For instance, one recent research says that as much as 86% of employees and executives cite lack of collaboration as the leading cause of workplace failures. Business owners usually try to forge this unity through various teambuilding activities that, if overplayed, can feel tiresome and counterproductive. A workplace game room solves this problem and makes teambuilding activities casual, consistent, long-term, and most importantly – voluntary.
Game rooms can ignite innovation and creativity
Relaxation hubs where workers can chill out for a couple of minutes, have a talk with their co-workers, exchange ideas, and hopefully find new solutions for everyday problems are hardly a new thing. As you can probably guess, workplace game rooms operate on the very same principle. The main difference is that they shift the setting from the relaxed lounges into an enjoyable and competitive environment that feels even more stimulating and invigorating. Of course, not every game session will result in productive brainstorming but the ones that do can provide impressive results.
Game rooms can increase job satisfaction
The issue of workplace satisfaction is very complex and goes way beyond simple workplace perks and rewards and includes business practices, wages, management structure, etc. But, no one can deny that these small benefits do contribute to an overall satisfaction level in no small capacity. Obviously, game rooms fit this story pretty seamlessly – there are very few people who wouldn’t appreciate an opportunity to grab a beneficial gaming energy drink and duke it out with co-workers before going back to their workstations. The more entertainment options – the better.
Game rooms benefit employees’ health and wellness
You are probably aware that physical activity reduces the negative effects of stress and bumps up the production of feel-good neurotransmitters called endorphins. So, you see how offering your workers a chance to engage in some moderately intense physical activity like air hockey can benefit your workplace atmosphere. But, let us not forget mental wellness. A recent study found that 80 newly formed worker teams have experienced a 20% increase in productivity after playing video games together for only 45 minutes. So, you get similar benefits even without excessive physical activity.
Game rooms have a positive effect on workplace morale
This topic is closely related to workplace perks and job satisfaction but not entirely the same. Namely, workplace perks have a very strong influence on loyalty to the company. High workplace morale, on the other hand, is attained more through the sense that the company is involved with and cares for its employees in a more personal manner. Here, game rooms serve more as a tool for hosting various tournaments, shows, birthday parties, and other events rather than the end goal. But, they contribute to increasing the morale nevertheless.
Game rooms lower turnover and absenteeism
Both these influences are pretty straightforward. Employee turnover is much lower if the company in question can offer better work conditions than its competitors. Workplace game rooms serve as a huge chip in this bargain. As for absenteeism, we can only summarize that people love attending their job if their workplace is interesting and positive. Having an opportunity to spend some time in a fun and engaging environment where they can play with their co-workers gives them one additional reason to show up every day and rise to the occasion.
All the things we have mentioned above speak very strongly in favor of workplace entertainment options and, more specifically, game rooms. Workplace engagement and productivity are complicated topics, and their foundations can’t be built on a singular source. But all evidence we have covered so far suggests that people perform better when they are happy, relaxed, and energized.
Game rooms, no matter whether we are talking about physical activity or video games, are able to produce these results. So, there is no good reason why you wouldn’t spice up your premises with a bit of fun.