If you have decided to start a private business of yours and build your shop first, you need to register it first. According to the Shop and Establishment registration Act, ‘shop’ is where goods are sold, maybe in retail or wholesale or both. Additionally, it includes places where services are rendered to customers in exchange for money or other goods, for example, an office, warehouse, or godown. An Establishment includes commercial establishments, hotels, restaurants, theatres, etc.
Who Is Required To Get FSSAI Registration?
A common question arises who is required to register under this act. Well, the answer is retail and wholesale shops, buildings or houses where services are rendered to customers, the involved storeroom, godown or workplace used, hotel where residential services are offered, hotel/restaurant where food is served to customers, any Theatre or place where entertainment services are provided, All these mentioned need to get themselves registered as soon as possible. It is to be kept in mind that the Shop and Establishment registration act does not apply to factories; a different act governs them, i.e., the Factories Act, 1948.
Why Is The FSSAI Registration Required?
The most important question here is why the government asks you to get yourself registered under this act. Some of the reasons are as follows. The government wants to make sure you provide proper working conditions to your employees. It is also required to provide some rights to your employees and impose some restrictions on employers. The government will issue some guidelines like the working hours, minimum wages, allowances, and leave policy. It also includes the precautionary measures a shop owner should oblige to, and it’s opening and closing hours. Moreover, the government would make sure the shop owners don’t use any child labor in their business.
How Would The Registration Help You?
The FSSAI registration under this act will help you in many ways. The first aid it provides is that it serves as a legal entity of proof for freely carrying out your business. You can freely carry out your business trips without depending on any external agency or at the local people’s mercy in the business. This also helps to avail of the benefits that are provided by the government to only those who are registered under this act. These benefits may include tax concessions, investments in your business, security, government insurance, etc. Additionally, if you want to open a bank current account for your business, your registration proof will help you get your account made in less time. Moreover, if any disputes arise in your business, the FSSAI registration will give you an upper hand in any legal dealings.
What Is The Exact Procedure Of Registration?
The complete procedure of registration is described in the following steps:
1. You will have to apply within 30 days of the start of your business. This can be accomplished in 2 ways. The first one is visiting the government-controlled website of the Department of FSSAI, and the second is physically visiting their office and submitting the Application form.
2. The application form should be submitted to the Chief Inspector along with the attached required documents and the government processing fee applicable in your state. It is to be noted that this fee varies from state to state. The documents that are required are a) photograph of the entrance of the shop/establishment. The name of the shop should be mentioned in the local language .b) Copy of the PAN card of the shop or the establishment. c) Proof of Owner’s Identity (driving license, voter id, etc. d) Address proof of the shop or establishment. d) List of the partners involved in the business. e) Details of existing employees. (like wage rate, duration of work, number of working days per year, etc.)
3. If the Chief Inspector is satisfied with the application form and the details mentioned in it, we will issue you a registration certificate.
What Is The FSSAI Registration?
The FCC ACT 2006 makes it mandatory for all food vendors to get registered under the Food Standards and Safety Authority of India. Registration is required for small food manufacturers, including small retailers, hawkers, temporary stall owners, or any cottage industry having a turnover of fewer than 12 lakhs.
The steps involved in registration with FSSAI, according to their official website, are mentioned as follows:
- An Application form A is to be filled by submitting an application fee of Rs.100
- After your Application form the authorities receive a, you get a Unique Reference Number
- Registration Authority can then grant or reject your FSSAI registration, reasons for which will be informed to you in writing within 7 days of application form submission
- After you are granted the registration, you can start your food business
Sometimes, the Registration Authority may visit you for inspection and then grant you to start your business if your application has been rejected. Hence it is advised to maintain quality standards in your food business to pass the inspection successfully. FSSAI Registration helps you be on the safe side of things, and in any case, if you have got a legal problem, you can always consult the FSSAI or government authorities for some advice or help.