ankle replacement

Immobilizing conditions such as arthritis, diabetic neuropathy, and other chronic conditions that cause foot and ankle pain can literally alter your quality of life and keep you from doing so much that you once found enjoyable. Sometimes it’s a kind of pain that never seems to go away, such as rheumatoid arthritis or chronic pain after surgery; this is possible. However, the development of surgical procedures has revealed foot and ankle replacement as one of the treatments likely to benefit everyone in need of long-term durability, reduction of pain, and enhancement of function.

With the help of this blog, we will give you all information about foot and ankle replacement in Delhi

Understanding the Causes of Foot and Ankle Pain

Some causes of chronic pain in the foot and ankle include the following:


Osteoarthritis of the toes is due to the degradation of the cartilage on the ends of the bones of your foot and ankle, causing pain, aching, and swelling.

Post-traumatic arthritis: 

Alternatively, wear may occur in the ankle joint after a fracture or some other injury that affects the articular cartilage.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease that occurs when the body’s own immune system attacks the joints, which in the case of the feet and ankles could involve the midfoot and/or ankle joint.

Severe osteoarthritis: 

This impinges on the width of the big toe joint, particularly in terms of pain, swelling, and limping.

Traditional Treatment Options for Foot and Ankle Pain

These may include:

Rest and Activity Modification: 

Certain actions should be avoided to reduce the pain, and one can be advised to take a certain position to get comfort.

Pain Medication: 

Anti-inflammatory drugs used for minor body aches can be bought without a prescription, while those with severe pains can be recommended by a doctor.

Physical therapy: 

Walking, jogging, cycling, and other aerobic exercises help; strong stretching and other recommended exercises enhance joint flexibility.

Corticosteroid injections: 

Injection of dye into the joint, which might help in easing the pain for some time.

Ankle Braces: 

Braces that commode the joint can prevent it from giving way easily and lessen the pain experienced by the affected individual.

When Foot and Ankle Replacement Becomes a Possibility

Here are some factors that might indicate it’s time to consider surgery:

Constant pain: 

Chronic pain that continues unabated and actually worsens with the intake of medication and interferes with the DQOL.

Limited mobility: 

Limitation in daily activities that involve walking, bending, or going up the stairs as a result of pain and stiffness.

Joint deformity: 

On the affected joint, bony prominences may appear, which will alter the alignment and function of the joint.

X-ray confirmation: 

CPR will show the degree of their arthritic joint disease and operability for replacement surgery.

What to Expect with Foot and Ankle Replacement Surgery?

Arthroplasty of the foot and ankle entails the excision of the impaired joint margins and subsequent replacement with man-made joint prostheses, usually fashioned from metal and/or plastic. The exact kind of implant that will be put in is going to depend on the joint that’s being replaced: ankle, ankle with subtalar fusion, or a specific midtarsal joint.

The surgery is mostly done under general anesthesia and may last between a few hours and a few minutes, depending on the technicality of the procedure. After the surgery, patients can expect a certain time for a physical rehabilitation to bring back some strength, flexibility, and possibly mobility of the replaced joint.

Benefits of Foot and Ankle Replacement

Foot and ankle replacement surgery can offer significant benefits for individuals suffering from chronic foot and ankle pain, including:

  • Pain relief: less pain for patients and an increase in overall quality of life.
  • Improved Mobility: reduced inability to ambulate, climb, and do other tasks with fewer restrictions as a result of advancement in the disease process.
  • Enhanced Function: Increased joint stability and balance is considered a stronger type of stability than static balance.
  • Durability: Dental implants today are expected to have a very long life, and some can even last for over twenty years.

Recovery and Rehabilitation After Surgery

Heel surgery in the foot and ankle is not something to be taken lightly, as it requires time and effort to heal completely. There will be some pain in the initial days with swelling, which will be controlled using drugs and with the necessary physiotherapy. Another key aspect of post-surgical care is physical therapy, which aims at increasing strength, flexibility, and the overall mobility of the joint that was replaced. They involve the patient and the therapist in exercises that assist in healing and the restoration of normal functioning.

Why choose Dr. Rajesh Malhotra for foot and ankle replacement surgery?

It can be comforting to select Foot and Ankle Replacement Surgeon Dr. Rajesh Malhotra for a surgery like this. Complimented by vast experience and technique, Dr. Malhotra, one of the orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi uses a custom approach to treatment. 

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.