Buying your first house can be an intimidating experience. The mixture of happiness and confusion is very natural. When buying your first house, it is always helpful to conduct your research thoroughly. It will help you gain knowledge of the right things to pursue, and the aspects to avoid. Here are a few things that you should have handy while going through the purchase process of your first home. For buying any property in Geelong, get your finances in order, look around for a better deal for a home loan, get pre-approval for the loan, hire a professional conveyancer for conveyancing Geelong, find the best deal for the purchase of the house, exchange contracts, pay the depositary amount, and taking care of the settlement.
Preparing for your First Purchase:
Let’s get into the depth of the aspects that should be kept in mind while buying your first home.
Getting the Finances Sorted
The best way to start your home buying process is by getting all your finances clear. Generally, a 20% amount is the deposit amount while going for a purchase. You should also look forward to how much you can afford while being able to have a grant for a home loan.
Look Around for Better Home Loan Deals
It is preferable to negotiate your home loan. With competitive rates in the market, even if you’re a first-time buyer, you should be comfortable being able to repay that amount. The interest rates are approximately below 2%. You should compare the fees, features, and rates before making any decision. Once you’re done choosing a lender, you should proceed with the home-loan approval process. The pre-approval lasts for a duration of 3 to 6 months, depending on the limit, confirmation of income, and financial commitments.
Choosing the right Conveyancer:
Property Transfer Service Geelong requires a professional conveyancer for guidance. Property Lawyers Geelong help draft lease agreements, license agreements, and also help handle disputes regarding the land or property. They ensure that the ownership rights have been transferred from the seller to the buyer with proper legalization and documentation. They play a crucial role in the entire process of home buying too.
Entering the Market
Once you have all the above formalities done, it’s time for you to find the right property for your purchase. It is important to look for a home in a good locality. Looking at various property listings, viewing open houses is also a good idea. If it suits your interest, you can visit auctions and witness the entire process for your better understanding.
Buying the right house:
After looking at various properties, it’s time for you to make your purchase. Make an offer to the seller. There are various methods to make an offer but it is preferable to choose the one that suits your requirements. The agent who represents the seller shall give you a ‘Contract of Sale’, that states the terms and conditions of the sale, as well as the details of the property.
Once these steps are followed, sign contracts, go through the legalization process, and thus you have your first home purchased.