digital name card printing

The transition into the digital landscape is more urgent today than it has ever been before. Everything is moving into the digital landscape. Even things that were strictly analog, like name cards, have moved into the digital space. So if you are still in the world of paper name cards, you’re missing out on quite a lot.

Most of the digital transformations of the past few years are associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, reports by researchers like McKinsey indicate the pandemic led to three fold acceleration of regular customer experiences. You, too, can be part of the new transformation!

Check out the advantages of using digital name cards to see why you should transition as soon as possible.

Understanding Digital Name Card Printing

Just like the name suggests, digital name card printing is a type of printing method that does away with all traditional paper name cards. Service providers like allow you to print a digital copy or identifier for all your personal information, which has QR codes or URL links. All you need to do when using them is scan the QR code, and you will access all the contact information in one fell swoop.

5 Advantages Of Digital Name Card Printing In Business

Every business person in the modern world needs to have a digital name card. That digital name card will be the distinction between you and all the other ordinary businesses. Here are some of the five advantages you stand to gain when using digital name cards.

 1. Simple Process For Sharing Contact Information

Digital name cards guarantee a simple process for sharing your contact information with a prospective customer or client. With ordinary paper name cards, you will have to give your name card to very many people in order for you to get a callback. The recipient of your paper name card is likely to stick it in the bottom drawer of their desk, hoping to look at it when they need your services.

But this rarely happens.

Most people look for businesses online through Google searches or social media. Your paper name card is likely to get forgotten inside the drawer.

Using digital name cards allows you to share contact information easily since the information will be stored directly on their phone once they scan your QR code. This increases the chances of you getting business when your services come in handy.

2. Keep Up To Date

Have you ever wondered what happens when you need to change your contact information in instances when all you rely on other paper name cards? You will have to track down everyone you’ve ever given your card for you to update them on your change of address or phone number. That is definitely a waste of time. It is a very impractical way of updating your customers.

Updating your digital name card is just a click of a button away. As soon as you update the information on your computer, everyone you have ever shared your digital name card with gets an update.

3. Enhanced Engagement

The main purpose of getting any kind of name card is to have a smooth engagement with prospective connections. Paper name cards fail completely in that regard.

For starters, it is very hard for you to know whether the people you give your name cards tried to reach you or just threw your cards away. Even when they tried to reach you but couldn’t get through, there’s no way of finding out unless you physically meet that person.

Digital name cards avoid this kind of problem by helping you follow up on prospective customers and clients with a quick e-mail or text message. Doesn’t that make networking way easier for you?

4. Save Your Money

Printing paper name cards is a very expensive affair. Most paper name card printers print bulk selections. That means you will have to spend a lot of money to buy the minimum number of name cards for every batch you get. If the paper name cards have even the slightest error, you will have to replace all of them before you can start giving them to prospective customers and clients. Don’t you see how expensive that will be?

A digital name card only needs you to print one card that has all the information you need. Printing one card is certainly cheaper than printing a bunch of them.

5. Sustainability For A Better Tomorrow

Sustainability is a big concern for many businesses in the modern age. In fact, sustainable businesses are likely to receive investments and recognition from stakeholders in different industries. Using paper name cards can never get you the kind of recognition you need. This is because over 7 million trees are lost to generate paper for name cards. You can imagine the toll that kind of loss can have on the environment.

What better way to become a sustainable business owner than transitioning from paper cards the digital ones?

Bottom Line

Switching from paper name cards to digital name cards can be one of the best decisions you will ever make for your business. It not only saves you a lot of money and helps you contribute to saving the environment, but it also helps you make efficient connections and put your mark in your business niche.

Consider switching to digital name cards today and see the benefits your business will start to gain.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.