Development and Operational Test & Evaluation: Ideas, Tips for Success

Development and Operational Test & Evaluation is a process that businesses use to ensure their products are ready for market release. The idea behind this practice is to have an independent team test the product in order to identify any problems before it’s released. This post will give you some ideas on how to successfully run your own Development and Operational Test & Evaluation process and provide some helpful tips!

The first step to any successful Development and Operational Test & Evaluation process is conducting an audit. This will help you identify what needs testing, vulnerabilities that need fixing, as well as the right teams of people for the project. Once this is done, then your team can start developing a plan! A good way to do this would be by creating a risk assessment matrix in order to rank risks and assign them priorities based on the severity, with less severe being addressed before more critical ones. You should also consider using tools like DevOps, which are specifically designed to make use of your development and operational resources more effectively.

Developing a plan or project is all well and good, but how do you measure success? The answer lies in Development and Operational Test &Evaluation (D&O). D&O encompasses both testings as well as evaluation which are required steps before launching any new product. It’s important to note that not all projects need this step as they may have only one risk, but it is excellent for those who are working on multiple products or services!

The next step would be coming up with an evaluation plan. The goal of your test/eval process should be to provide some insight into how successful you will be in terms of product development or service performance improvement. A good way to do this is through the use of measuring business metrics such as revenue growth, customer retention rates, employee productivity, etc.; however, these factors can vary depending on the type and size of the company being evaluated, so there needs to be a baseline established before any kind of measurements can take place.

This will also be a good time to identify any risks that may either go undetected or not be dealt with properly, which could cause problems in the long term. This is often overlooked but should be given careful consideration since it can have serious consequences for your company’s success and/or growth, so you need to make sure these are accounted for in whatever way possible.

The only real problem left behind at this point is how do we actually test? There are many different approaches you can take here depending on what exactly needs evaluating; however, the most common ones would probably be A/B testing (testing two versions of something against each other) or multivariate testing where there are three or more versions tested simultaneously, thus allowing customers to see the differences and make a more informed decision.

There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to testing, so you should always take the time to think about your own situation before deciding on what type of test would be best for you. Regardless of which route you decide to go with, though, there will still be some initial investment in time and resources that need to happen first – but this isn’t anything new or unheard of if you’re already actively involved in marketing development work.

The last thing worth mentioning here is the possible consequences left behind by not giving enough attention during Development and Operational Test & Evaluation: Ideas, Tips for Success) This doesn’t mean just running a single A/B test, either. This is about understanding the consequences of not doing your due diligence and then figuring out how to mitigate those risks.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.