baby yoda costume

If you’re a Star Wars fan, you might be considering buying a baby Yoda costume this Halloween, but there are many different types and styles of baby Yoda costumes on the market. To help narrow down your options and make the best choice for your little one, we’ve compiled this list of 10 tips for buying a baby Yoda costume!

Tip 1: Figure out when you need it

Be realistic about when you’ll need to use your costume. We don’t need to tell you that it’s not going to work if it arrives after Halloween! Whether you plan on wearing it as part of an adult costume or your child plans on being dressed up at a party, know when you’ll be needing it and order early. You want to make sure you have time to get it right before an event and ideally, there should be plenty of time for return/exchange if needed. Know what size your child will be in 6 months; we don’t recommend buying too far in advance, but sometimes it can be difficult depending on how old they are when Halloween comes around.

Tip 2: Consider your budget

Make sure you plan ahead and know how much you can spend on buying costumes. It is possible to find great deals online or at places like Costco, but it’s also easy to get carried away and overspend. Plan out your purchases carefully so that your budget works as expected. Costumes can be expensive, so if you’re going to go over budget, make sure it’s intentional and worth it! Having a set budget in mind helps ensure that you don’t wind up spending too much on any one item. If you have kids in different age groups, try finding cheaper alternatives so that more of your budget can be spread around; coordinating outfits is more fun than blowing all of your money on just one costume.

Tip 3: Choose your material based on weather and durability

For baby Yodas who will be trick-or-treating in colder climates, look for quality fabrics such as fleece or wool. These will keep your little one warm without adding too much bulk and weight. On warmer evenings, though, don’t be afraid to opt for cotton—or other fabrics made with natural fibers. These will breathe better and help to wick moisture away from your baby’s skin. Not only that, but they’ll dry out quicker if he or she gets wet while running around on Halloween night! If you plan on putting together more than one costume to accessorize during different seasons of play, make sure to buy fabric with at least some stretch and/or give so it can withstand daily wear and tear.

Tip 4: Consider seasonality

The most popular time to buy costumes is in October and November, so you’ll have to check if your store still has any inventory left from last year. If not, you might have to wait until late spring or early summer of next year before there’s another bulk shipment. Otherwise, consider buying your costume online and having it shipped straight to your house—that way you can get exactly what you want when you want it! In some cases, if the costume is unique enough and there aren’t many other people looking at it right now, then an online order may be cheaper than shopping in-store! Either way, take into account shipping costs when figuring out which option is cheapest. As with everything else with Halloween costumes: timing is everything.

Tip 5: Look for deals online, on sale, and after Halloween

Most stores will put their Halloween costumes on sale after Halloween. You can also buy costumes online with great deals, especially during Cyber Monday and other shopping holidays like Black Friday and Small Business Saturday. And don’t overlook thrift stores; these are great places to get discounted designer baby clothes—and sometimes you’ll find even better finds at garage sales or in storage boxes.

Tip 6: Get everything in one purchase if possible

Finding everything in one place makes it easier to save money. With our offer, you’ll be getting an adorable costume and even accessories to go with it. This is not only smart but convenient as well, especially if you are busy and don’t have time or patience to look around different stores. This means that you will enjoy shopping knowing that everything will be done within a short period of time. You don’t have to spend long hours looking around different shops and comparing prices with other companies. If you want saving your valuable time on something more productive, we can help you easily get everything in one purchase at an affordable price that cannot be beat by other companies offering similar services.

Tip 7: Measure your baby now while they are napping to save time later

The biggest problem with buying a costume online is that you don’t get to try it on your baby first. Since you can’t take returns or exchanges, you will want to make sure your baby fits into whatever costume you choose. Buy something adjustable or look for reviews from people who have already purchased and worn it. Having trouble finding out how many months of age your little Jedi is? Check out their size in weeks (2+ months) and add one more month because most babies lose some weight after they are born; by 6 months old they could wear 3-6 month clothing depending on their build.

Tip 8. Remember alterations can cost extra money but are worth it sometimes

If you don’t want to buy a Yoda costume that is too large or small, you might want to consider getting one with adjustable features. The more features your baby yoda costume has, such as buttons, snaps and other fasteners, will be less likely to rip when your baby wiggles around in it. Make sure any material that needs alterations fits appropriately on your baby’s body (i.e., if pants are too long, they should have an elastic band around them.) Always ask before purchasing any clothing or costumes if they can be altered! Alterations costs extra money but sometimes it’s worth it!

Tip 9. Check the reviews or ask around before buying something new

It is always a good idea to check if anyone else has used something you are planning on buying. That way, you know that others have had success with it and you won’t be one of those people who finds out your new purchase isn’t all it was cracked up to be. It’s also important to read reviews online or ask around before purchasing anything that is new. Also keep in mind safety concerns when shopping online. Just because an item looks adorable doesn’t mean it is safe for your baby. Always take proper precautions by making sure products have been tested and are compliant with CPSC regulations.

Tip 10. Be wary of Copies

With Halloween only a month away, you’re probably starting to panic because your precious baby Yoda costume is nowhere to be found. What many people don’t realize is that there are tons of counterfeit outfits being sold right now—and they won’t be delivered until September at best. Don’t fall for a shoddy knockoff! Remember, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. If you want to make sure your baby boy or girl has an authentic Star Wars outfit, order it early! You might pay more per unit now, but you’ll save on shipping and guarantee that you have your costumes in time for Halloween for more visit here

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.