Unhealthy lifestyle practices are taking dominance among the people these days. With unregulated dietary habits, lack of exercise and irregular sleeping pattern, diabetes as a chronic condition has been on the rise.
Diabetes can have serious repercussions if it is not regulated at the right time. While it has some minor symptoms in the beginning, it can lead to serious health problems if it is left unregulated. Diabetes can cause nerve damage, cardiovascular diseases, kidney damage, etc among other long term diseases.
Monitoring your sugar levels on a regular basis is as important as incorporating the right lifestyle habits. It is only when you know whether your sugar level is high, low or controlled that you can gauge which changes you should make in your diet and lifestyle.
A blood sugar testing machine or a glucometer is a device that helps you in knowing your sugar levels. They give you quick and accurate results in the most pain free manner. You just have to prick your finger to draw a drop of blood, put it on a testing strip and connect it to a glucometer. It gives you the most accurate result in a short span of time.
With diabetes becoming a widespread chronic condition, there are a number of companies available in the market that provide their own variation of the glucometer. They vary only in one or two features that make them stand out among the others. While it can be confusing which is the best blood sugar testing machine available online, we have listed this guide to help you out in making the right decision. Have look at the list below to find out which factors you should take into consideration while purchasing a blood sugar testing machine-
BeatO Smartphone connected Glucometers
BeatO offers two smartphone glucometers- SMART and CURV. They are unique and compact glucometers that offer the best smartphone connectivity. Can be connected to your smartphone through a 3.5mm earphone jack. They can give you accurate results within seconds. You can carry it during your work , travel and just about anywhere to make sure that you do not skip taking your sugar reading, even for a day. Your readings can further be analysed on the BeatO App to give you a better understanding of your diabetic condition.
Weight- 100g
Memory- 4000 test results
Price- Rs. 799/-
Advantages – Easy to carry and use, affordable
Accu Chek Active Blood Glucose Meter kit with 10 Strips
It is a compact blood sugar testing machine which has amazing features. Gives you accurate results at the comfort of your home in less than 5 seconds. It also comes with a timed reminder that helps you take your insulin dose as per your sugar level and it prevents you from taking an under or overdose.
Weight- 50g
Memory- 500 test results
Price- Rs. 1390/-
Advantages- Easy to use, Accurate results
Disadvantages- Expensive
Dr. Morepen Gluco One Glucometer
This glucometer is pocket-friendly and therefore, it can be carried wherever you go. It is an easy-to-use device which does not require any coding technology to function. It offers smartphone connectivity which enables you to get a record of your readings on your smartphone within seconds.
Weight- 200g
Memory- 300 test results
Price- Rs. 475/-
Advantages – User friendly, affordable
Disadvantages – Lack of warranty support centres, inaccurate results
Bayer Contour Plus One Glucometer
It is a one of its kind glucometers. You can keep a track of your records and also, it can be connected to a Bluetooth that helps you in sharing these records. Even when you miss getting an accurate result the first time, this glucometer allows you to take a second reading on the same strip. It helps in avoiding wastage of strips.
Weight- 290g
Memory- 800 test results
Price- 1370/-
Advantages – Lifetime warranty, accurate results and no wastage
Disadvantages- Expensive
OneTouch Select Simple Glucometer
This is a compact glucometer which gives you an audio alert every time your reading is complete. It has a memory of 500 test results which can be considered an important factor while buying the test strips.
Weight- 50g (approx.)
Memory- 500 test results
Price- Rs. 875/-
Advantages- affordable, accurate results
Disadvantages- Expensive strips
Factors such as accurate and quick results, cost effectiveness, portability, memory, etc. are important parameters that you should keep in mind while purchasing a glucometer online. We hope that the above listed points can help you in making an informed decision about which blood sugar testing machine is available online. With the number of variants that are available online, it can be a confusing decision.
Monitor your sugar levels on a daily basis and also make the necessary changes to your diet and lifestyle to ensure complete diabetes management. Health is the greatest wealth and you should make sure that you keep all your vitals in check.