Ashtanga YogaAshtanga Yoga

Yoga is one of the most popular exercises across the world. It is the direct road to mental and physical well-being, ensuring the Holistic development of an individual one of the most talked about Yoga trends these days is Ashtanga Yoga. So what is Ashtanga yoga? Ashtanga is made of two Sanskrit words: “Ashta” and anga” in Sanskrit. It signifies “Eight Limb Path” since “Ashta” means “eight” and “Anga” denotes limbs. According to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the classical form of yoga is known as Ashtanga yoga. The same yoga poses must be repeated for the same number of breath counts in this style of yoga, in continuous order. It is not a combination of asanas and breathing exercises, but also about self-control and restraint. There are numerous benefits of it which are listed below-

1. Boosts physical strength and flexibility:

Physical strength and flexibility of muscles is the major advantage of Ashtanga Yoga. If you can’t even touch your toes yet, you are surely in for a change with Ashtanga Yoga. Ashtanga poses frequently require you to balance and maintain your entire body weight on one leg. It also often involves supporting your body weight with your hands. Your whole body’s strength will rise as a result of strengthening your core. Additionally, it gradually increases flexibility and tones the muscles.

2. A calming Influence:

Flowing breath patterns, regulated movement, and Drishti are all elements of Ashtanga yoga sequences. All of these elements work together to improve focus, calm the autonomic nervous system, and regulate heart rate.

3. Boosts Muscular Power:

Scientific research on Ashtanga’s impact on human bodies has demonstrated that doing its asanas frequently can boost muscular power. Practicing this daily makes it easier for your muscles to stay toned and in a good shape. The posture practices also improve your balancing abilities. 

4. Good for Mental Health:

Ashtanga yoga calms the neurological system, which lowers tension and anxiety. Twenty kids with anxiety and depression participated in a 12-week ashtanga vinyasa yoga program in one peer-reviewed study. Four out of five kids reported higher self-esteem and lessened anxiety and depressive symptoms at the end of the session. By encouraging inner calm, attention, and awareness, the practice enhances psychological health in general.

5. Aids Weight Loss:

Ashtanga yoga helps lose weight. It is a challenging cardiovascular workout that efficiently burns calories through muscle-building postures and strength training. Additionally, doing asanas to relieve stress can aid in weight loss. The best way to achieve your weight loss objectives is through frequent or daily practice.

With these many benefits to it, it is important to include Ashtanga Yoga within your Yoga practices for achieving a healthy body and healthy mind. Ashtanga yoga for beginners can be a good way to start with this practice of Ashtanga Yoga. While practicing Ashtanga yoga, you should take it one step at a time without overtraining your muscles or doing too rigorous exercise by working on a song by working on your body with a strong yoga daily you are certain to achieve the highest level of mental and physical health. 

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.