laser eye surgery

Our eyes are an integral part of our lives. We use our eyes every single moment, not just to navigate the world surrounding us but also to do our routine tasks. So, having a healthy eye is essential for every individual. However, with age, we start to experience issues with our eyesight. Aside from that, other factors, like extended screen time, chronic illnesses, etc., also affect our eyesight. More often than not, individuals with refractive errors, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, etc., rely on prescription glasses and contact lenses. However, these solutions are not always feasible. They not only affect one’s overall appearance but sometimes put their eyes at risk of infections, especially contact lenses. In such a situation, laser eye surgery comes in handy. Read this post to know how advanced laser eye surgery can help you have both better vision and a better life. Let’s dive in… 

What is Laser Eye Surgery?

Laser eye surgery is one of the most advanced and effective eye treatments that allows individuals to have healthy eyes. This procedure uses a laser to reshape the cornea (the clear tissue at the front of the eye) to correct vision. This medical procedure is often used to treat myopia (nearsightedness), Hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism, and presbyopia. It is a minimally invasive surgery that takes only 20 to 30 minutes to complete. The best thing about this laser eye surgery is that it is performed under general anesthesia to allow individuals to have a pain-free experience. However, it is crucial to have laser eye surgery in Delhi from a trustworthy eye clinic.

Let’s now take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of laser eye surgery in the upcoming section. Here we go….

Advantages of Laser Eye Surgery

Here are some of the advantages of laser eye surgery that make this treatment the most preferred option. Take a look…

Improves Vision

Laser eye surgery uses laser beams to permanently reshape the cornea’s irregular shape to correct refractive errors. This way, it improves or corrects myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. There is a high chance that you will achieve 20/20 vision after undergoing laser eye surgery. Moreover, this surgery decreases your reliance on prescription glasses or contact lenses. 

Enhances Quality of Life

Once your vision corrects or improves with laser surgery, you do not need to depend on eyeglasses or contact lenses. This resolves a lot of issues for individuals who find wearing prescription glasses a trouble. The best thing about this procedure is that it is the safest surgical option. This, in turn, improves the overall quality of your life. And yes, you do not need to bother about your prescription glasses. 

Safe and Effective 

Laser eye surgery is one of the safest surgical procedures. More than 95% of patients claim to have achieved optimal results without any complications. It is safe and effective. However, like any other surgery, it is vital to choose a qualified and experienced surgeon for the procedure. 

Fast Results 

Another question that often crops up in the mind is about how quickly you can see the benefits. Unsurprisingly, laser eye surgical procedure takes only 15 minutes per eye. The best part is that it is an outpatient procedure, so you don’t need to get admitted to the hospital to see the results. Moreover, you will start noticing improvement in your eyes within 24 hours. With proper post-surgery care, you can achieve the best outcomes within a few days.

Pain-Free and Fast Recovery 

As said earlier, laser eye surgery is performed under anesthesia for pain-free surgery. Your doctor will administer anesthetic eye drops before the procedure to ensure painless surgical treatment. In addition, they provide you with proper aftercare instructions for faster recovery and healing. The recovery starts within 24-36 hours of the treatment, which makes it the most preferred choice for people suffering from refractive errors.

Like any other medical procedure, laser eye surgery also comes with some disadvantages that you must be aware of to make informed decisions. Let’s now take a look at those disadvantages. Here we go…

Disadvantages of Laser Eye Surgery

Here are some of the significant disadvantages of laser eye surgery; take a look…

Side Effects

Laser eye surgery may cause mild side effects such as itching, dry eye, and burning. More often than not, patients notice these side effects post-treatment. It usually occurs in 20% to 40% of patients. Also, some patients even experience issues like glare and halos around lights at night. Usually, these symptoms are temporary and they last only for two-three months after the treatment. However, in rare cases, these symptoms continue for a long term. In such a situation, you’re advised to visit your ophthalmologist for immediate intervention.

Expensive Procedure 

Typically, laser eye surgery in Delhi costs between INR 80,000 and INR 1,00,000. Patients with budget constraints may find this surgery a bit expensive for their pockets. However, some clinics offer these treatments at budget-friendly prices to allow people to have healthy vision at all times. Aside from that, there are eye clinics that offer monthly finance options to make the treatment affordable for everyone. Many of them provide interest-free EMI options. 


Laser eye surgery is a fast procedure and the best part is that you can go home after the treatment. However, you may be suggested to avoid using a mobile phone, laptop, or computer screen for a few days for faster recovery. This may hamper your work for some time; however, in the long run, you’re going to enjoy the benefits that come with laser eye surgeries. 

Risk Factor

Like other surgical procedures, laser eye surgery is not a risk-free treatment. However, the risks with this treatment are minimal and can be improved or eliminated with further surgery. You can choose the best hospital for laser eye surgery in Delhi to ensure zero risk of dry eye syndrome and other complications. 

The Bottom Line

So, these are the advantages and disadvantages of laser eye surgery. Being able to see the world without eyeglasses or contact lenses is a major plus. You can achieve this through safe and efficient laser eye surgery in Delhi. It is worth noting that this treatment is not meant for everyone. For this, you should have a stable eyesight number for at least two years in a row. Also, you should be 18 years or older to be eligible for this procedure. If you are a patient with diabetes, severe dry eye syndrome, eye infection or surgery, cataracts, and glaucoma, your eyes cannot be treated with laser beams. Hence, you’re advised to visit a reputable eye clinic for laser eye surgery. Reputable eye clinics employ highly skilled and experienced eye surgeons. Experienced surgeons first assess your overall health to determine whether or not you’re suitable for the procedure. 

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.