Customer support’ may not always evoke positive emotions. After all, have we all not had experiences where we have had to repeat our queries a dozen times to different representatives, after waiting for ages for a response? Well, it’s no surprise that a lot of businesses lose their customers over poor customer support.
This is why Conversational CX has become such a buzzword for businesses today. Conversational CX focuses on making interaction with customers more personal and meaningful – a big shift from the usual monotonous and robotic conversations that customers are normally subjected to.
Leveraging technology to enhance your customer support is not just a smart move to help your business grow, but to also make things easier for your own team as well. How? Let us take a look at an actual scenario.
If you are in the US or Canada, you would probably be familiar with HLC – a leading cycle distributor. The demand that HLC fulfills every day is massive – running into thousands. Naturally, a business of this size could not simply continue to cater to their customers’ queries over simply phone or email. Noticing a shift in customer behaviour in the past few years, they realized that they would need a faster customer-support solution that caters to their customers’ needs immediately – and obviously, phone and email weren’t going to achieve this.
Somewhere around 2018, they came across Acquire, a web chat interface – and were immediately convinced by it. Their hunch was right! Acquire helped them not just with responding to their customers immediately, but to also notice instances where their customers got stuck on their sites. This enabled their team to jump in and help them out. This effectively reduced chances of the customer leaving the site due to some problem they encountered. But that was only the beginning – HLC revealed that they had a 97% live chat response and had a deeper, better insight into the issues commonly faced by their customers.
Internally, they found that Acquire enabled them to reduce onboarding for their new employees to just one day! HLC managed to achieve every company’s dream – happy customers, and happy employees.
Why you should focus on Conversational CX too
Using HLC as an example, let’s take a look at 4 vital reasons why you too should shift to implementing a Conversational CX:
Customer Retention: The very first result you will notice of implementing a Conversational CX is that you will retain more customers. Customers drop off quickly when they encounter some problem or confusion on the site they are browsing or if they experience poor customer support. A study from 2021 showed that 70% of the respondents they studied actually said that they stopped buying from businesses after experiencing poor support. In fact, the study also showed that customers were more likely to stay loyal to a brand due to good customer support, even if the quality and pricing weren’t up to their expectations!
Better Solutions: Conversational CX reduces the time it takes to solve customer complaints. Complaints of similar natures can be easily solved by AI, reducing the pressure on the customer support staff. As a result, more serious and complex issues can be given the time and focus that they really deserve, with reduced waiting and frustration on the customer’s part. Besides, customers with routine problems can have their queries and complaints sorted out in real-time, 24×7.
Those that have more complex issues will have their complaints tagged and solved on priority the moment someone from Customer Support can take it up. The best part? Customer conversations can even be recorded so that businesses can know their customers well enough. As such, solutions can be personalized, and customers don’t have to keep repeating themselves to customer support.
Deeper Insights: Because commonly appearing complaints can be easily identified, they can be grouped and studied in-depth. As a result, major issues that lead to the bulk of the complaints can be solved from the very root, which will prove to be a powerful catalyst in enhancing your products and services. Besides, you don’t always have to wait for complaints to come in to figure what areas you need to improve on. Solutions that offer co-browsing, such as Acquire, for instance, will keep your team informed of issues and problems customers are facing even as they are browsing your website.
Less Pressure on Customer Support: Because the bot takes care of the bulk of the queries, your customer support can focus better on only those issues that are unique and actually require urgent attention. Your team will not be frantically struggling to solve each and every issue that comes through – something that would not just lead to poor resolutions, but also burnout.
HLC said that thanks to Acquire, new members on the support team found it easier to get used to the job. HLC lets their new hires start with solving queries on chat, which helps them get used to how things work, without the pressure of phone calls.
Customers today are increasingly becoming impatient to have their problems solved and there are businesses out there that are successfully addressing them quite well. Conversational CX is not simply a new style of customer support – it is the reality of today and the foundation on which tomorrow’s advancements in customer support will happen. Stay ahead of the race – leverage the opportunities that technology brings to you.
Author’s Bio: Srushti Shah is an ambitious, passionate, and out of the box thinking woman having vast Digital Marketing exposure. She is working as a Digital Marketer and Content writer at Acquire. Her key focus is to serve her clients with the latest innovation in her field, leading to fast and effective results. Working beyond expectations and delivering the best possible results in her professional motto. Other than work, she loves traveling, exploring new things, and spending quality time with family. Reach out to Srushti Shah on Twitter or LinkedIn