
A woman’s life is profoundly and frequently unexpectedly transformed by giving birth. A quiet road can be opened in the midst of all the emotions and changes that occur with becoming a new mother thanks to yoga’s consistent breathing techniques. Women should accept the physical changes that come with having a kid, and they shouldn’t expect to return to their pre-pregnancy shape right away. On the other hand, daily practice of specific positions in pregnancy yoga classes might expedite weight loss and help you return to form after giving birth.

Exercise is a terrific way for new moms to condition their postpartum bodies, but finding the time to work out can be challenging. particularly if you’re spending all day and night tending to your newborn’s demands. This is where the Bodhi School of Yoga comes into play with flexible yoga sessions for pregnant women. 

Following a pregnancy, try these positions in pregnancy yoga classes to shed some pounds:

The Breathing Of Tigers, Vyaghra Swasa

Known by most as the “cat-cow” stance, this simple pose can aid in your postpartum weight loss more quickly and efficiently. This pose in pregnancy yoga classes promotes spine mobility by releasing tense muscles in the back, neck, and spine. It also helps the body relax and become more at ease overall.

Maintain a shoulder-width spacing between your palms, your wrist directly beneath your shoulders, and your legs hip-width apart. Maintain a neutral spine posture to begin. Breathe in, lift your head up, pull your shoulders back, and stretch your neck out as if your shoulder blades are sliding up your back.

Exhale and spin your back towards the side you are standing or seated on and pull your navel towards the spines. Keep moving in this fluid manner, coordinating each movement with your breath. Take ten breaths and repeat this.

Adho Mukha Svanasana, Or Dog Posing Downward

Raise your knees off the floor and drive your heels as far down as possible to straighten your legs. Using your palms to push away from the ground, extend your spine.

Knee Push-Ups, Or Chaturanga

With this powerful stance in pregnancy yoga classes, new mothers may strengthen their core while toning their arms. Start with your knees back a few inches on the mat and your toes tucked, just like in the Vyaghra Swasa (tiger breathing/Cat and Cow positions). Breathe in first, then out, bending your elbows so they stay tucked between your ribs as you gradually bring your body down to your infant. Take a breath and raise yourself back up. Do this five to ten times over.

The Butterfly/Bound Angle Pose, or Baddha Konasana

This pose in pregnancy yoga classes enhances hip mobility, reduces tension from the knees, ankles, and hips, and offers a lovely stretch. Additionally, it strengthens the knees, groin, and inner thighs. It also facilitates a healthy emotional discharge. 

Wide Squats In The Goddess Pose

This pose in pregnancy yoga classes improves circulation throughout the hips, legs, and core while also stretching and strengthening your hip flexors. All of this aids in postpartum weight loss.

You have to begin with your feet around three to four shoe lengths apart and with toes parallel to the knees. Inhale as you prepare to do this, then, as you exhale widely, lower the hips until they are parallel to the knees and bend the knees. Aim to maintain a straight knee-over-ankle position. Breathe in and raise your legs.

Fire Log Pose, Or Agnistambhasana

This pose, as its name implies, generates a lot of heat in the area surrounding the pelvis and groin, which helps to relieve sciatic pain. This stance is very beneficial for bikers, runners, desk workers, and new mothers alike.

With your knees bent and your right leg piled on top of your shins, take a seat on the floor. The right heel should be placed over the left knee using your hand. Maintain a straight posture with your hips toward the front of the room as you gently walk your hands slightly forward to stretch your spine. After 30 seconds of holding this pose in yoga sessions, switch to the other side.

Frog Position, Or Bhekasana

This is a rather enjoyable pose in pregnancy yoga classes that releases tension from the knees by opening the hip joints. In addition, it improves digestion, tones the muscles in the lower back, aids in postpartum weight loss, and activates the organs in the abdomen. In summary, this is an excellent stretch that should be performed as frequently as feasible.

With your knees on your mat and your palms on the floor, drop to all fours. Standing on the insides of each foot and calf, slowly spread your knees horizontally apart until you feel the stretch in the inner thighs. As much as possible attempt to align your ankle and knees in one straight line. Drop all the way to your forearms. Take a 30-second break here.

The Corpse Pose, Or Savasana

With your back to the ground, take a position on your mat. Your infant should be on your stomach. Try to put your baby’s head as near to your heart as possible. Make every effort to let go of your muscles and relax as much as you can. Now pay attention to your breathing. In the corpse stance, mothers and infants feel soothed.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.