It is important to make sure that the shoes you are wearing are eco-sustainable. Many people think they can get away with buying whatever shoe they want, but this is not true. If you buy a new pair of shoes that were made in an environmentally safe way, then it will be better for the environment. Not only will your purchase cause less harm to the Earth, but it also may help lower your electricity bill at home!
You should only shop for shoes that are made with sustainable practices. If you go to a store and buy new shoes, then they were most likely created in an environmentally safe way. You can feel better knowing that your money is going towards something good! Not all types of shoe creation harm the Earth, so it is important to be aware of which ones do before making any purchases.
Even though running shoes may not seem like buying them would cause damage, this still cannot be assumed as fact. Some people think that because they need these specific types of sneakers for physical activity purposes, it will be ok if they purchase from a brand that does not maintain sustainable policies at their company or factory level. This could not be more untrue! Even if you do not plan on wearing your new shoes for a long time, it is still important to think about the environment.
It does not matter what type of shoe you are looking to purchase either! Whether you want flats or heels, there are sustainable options at just about every store in existence these days. If this is something that interests you, then continue reading when searching for a pair of sneakers next time!
Where To Find Eco-Sustainable Shoes?
As we said before, many stores sell items with environmental standards now, which means most likely they will have some eco-friendly products online. We recommend going right ahead and checking out places like if they happen to carry any brands which fit your preferences. There may be other websites that sell shoes that are better for the environment and make your feet happy. You can even ask a person at work where they shop and if they know of any more options!
Eco-Sustainable Shoe Brands:
There are many different types of brands that create eco sustainable shoes these days from all over the world. Some popular ones include TOM’s Shoes, Adidas, Patagonia, VivoBarefoots, New Balance and Puma, to name just a few that you may have heard about before. If none sound appealing, try doing an online search or asking someone in real life what their favorite brand is to see if there is one with sustainable practices near you!
1. Shoes are the second most polluting item in our homes
2. The average American discards around 70 pounds of clothing per year
3. One pair of shoes can emit as much CO2 as driving a car for two hours
4. Eco-sustainable shoes will last longer, requiring less manufacturing and more sustainable materials
5. many eco-friendly shoe brands on the market don’t sacrifice style or comfort
6. You can easily find eco-sustainable shoes at your local mall (and online) with just a few clicks!
The environmental and social costs of not using sustainable materials can be significant. We’ll explain why below: * The manufacturing process for synthetic rubber is one of the most toxic in the world, accounting for 10% of all greenhouse gas emissions from industrial processes worldwide.* There are also health hazards associated with exposure to chemicals used in products such as benzene and naphthalene, which causes cancer and reproductive problems, respectively.* Synthetic shoes release toxins into the soil when they degrade and affect surrounding plants and animals; this has been shown by many studies on artificial turf fields where crumb rubber infill was installed.