Air Compressor


If you ended up here, that means you have recently bought an air compressor, and you are looking for tips for maintaining your air compressor. Don’t worry, friend, you are exactly in the right place.

Nowadays, almost 90 percent of industrial operations and other air-pressure based works rely on air compressors. Air compressors are being used almost everywhere because of their ability to offer reliable and efficient sources of power. But the annoying part is that air compressors get damaged very often.

Don’t worry; when there is a problem, there is a solution too. If you know some tricks of maintaining an air compressor, you can get the most of it. That’s exactly why we have brought 10 hacking tips of air compressors that the user manual won’t tell you.

So don’t miss any part of the article if you want a long-time service from your air compressor.

Air Compressor, It’s Types and Uses

So, before jumping into the maintenance part, it’s better to know a little more about the machine. Because a clear idea about the machine can make it easier for you to understand the maintenance process.

So basically, what an air compressor does is that it converts electrical energy into potential energy. It forces air into a container by pressurizing it. It has some essential parts such as compressor, cooler, receiver tank, filter, and dryer, to complete the job.

According to delivered pressure, air compressors can be divided into three categories:

  • Low-pressure air compressors
  • Medium-pressure air compressors
  • High-pressure air compressors

Air compressors are of great use. They are used in many works, such as:

  • Pumping tires
  • Blowing inflatable products
  • Painting cars or other vehicles
  • In nail guns
  • In blowgun that clean machinery
  • Spraying crops
  • In dairy machines

10 Tips for Maintaining Your Air Compressor

So we have learned about air compressors. Let’s get down to our main business, the 10 tips for maintaining your air compressor:

1. Look After the Basics

So the first thing that you should do is, taking care of the basics. That means you need to make sure that every machine component is maintained at the top condition.

For example, air leaks can cause severe damage to the air compressor. So if you see something like this, you need to find the leak and repair it. Besides, due to continuous vibration, the screws, nuts, and bolts may loosen up. So tighten up all the screws and nuts regularly.

2. Provide Optimum Temperature

Always make sure to provide optimum temperature to your air compressor. Because air compressors work efficiency lessens with the increase of the temperature. Sometimes high-temperature may result in an explosion too.

So, if your air compressor is water-cooled, then keep the water temperature above 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Keeping the compressor at an optimum temperature is a bit tough with water-cooled compressors. That’s why we suggest you to use an advanced cooling technology-based air compressor that is available in the market.

3. Always Check the Moist Control Valve

An air compressor tank will take in water that is mixed with the air. But moisture lessens the efficiency of the air compressor. So every air compressor has a moisture control valve that gets full very often. So don’t forget to maintain the moisture control valve regularly. Otherwise, it will interrupt the process of the air compressor. And remember to discharge the air pressure before you clean the moisture control valve.

4. Check the Air Hose Regularly

The Air hose is the connector between your air tools and your compressor. So it is an essential part of the air compressor. If the air hose is leaked or damaged, it will eventually damage the compressor’s other parts. Also, a leaking air hose can lessen air pressure. So regularly check the air hose, to know the condition of it. If you find a broken one,  change it as soon as possible.

5. Check the Input Opening at a Regular Interval

Another easy trick to get the most of your compressor is by checking the input opening regularly. Usually, the air contains some dust with it. So the input opening gets jammed frequently.

Moreover, if your workplace is in a dusty environment, the input opening can get clogged very often. And in this type of situation, the air compressor will run inefficiently. So try to clean the input opening of the air compressor almost every day.

6. Change the Air Filter After Every 4 Months

The air filter plays a vital role in the air compressor. It usually gets dirty frequently. And once the air filter is dirty, it will start letting dusty air get inside your air compressor. As a result, your compressor will have to work even harder to run routinely. In a word, it will lessen the efficiency of your air compressor. So it’s good to change the air filters every four months. It will increase the efficiency of the machine and keep it in good condition.

7. Change the Compressor Oil After a Limited Use

The air compressor oil is one of the key components of the machine. But, after every 400 to 800 hours of use, the compressor oil gets dirty. And if you continue using your air compressor with this dirty oil, it can cause severe damage to your machine. So it’s better to change the compressor oil after every 400 to 800 hours of use. It will help the machine to run smoothly.

8. Clean the Fuel Tank at least once a Year                             

To get the most from your compressor, you need to take care of every little thing of the air compressor. Cleaning the fuel tank is such a small thing that most people often miss out on.

Sometimes the fuel gets into the tank with impurities. As a result, a layer of dust or contaminants often builds up over time. This eventually causes damage to the fuel tank and lessens the workability of the air compressor. So it’s better to clean the fuel tank at least once a year. It will protect your air compressor from getting damaged.

9. Check, If the Safety Shut Off System Works Properly

Every available air compressor of the market has a safety shut off system. It is used when the compressor gets too hot, or the pressure level falls below the minimum level. In fact, it is a safety system for your compressor. So always check the safety shut off system to know the condition of it. Change the safety shut off if it’s damaged or not working correctly.

10. Do an Overall Check Every Week

So, lastly, we recommend you to do an in-depth check-up of your air compressor every week. Because it will help you find any damage of the air compressor or any of its components. And once you find the problem, you will be able to repair the machine’s deterioration before it creates any significant problem. So always remember to do a weekly check up on your air compressor.

Final Verdict

The air compressor is a costly and easily-vulnerable device at the same time. It means the air compressors get damaged very quickly if you don’t take good care of them. So it’s better to look after the machine from the very first day. The tricks that we stated here are some of the best tricks that you won’t find in the user manual. So follow these 10 tricks to extend the lifespan of your air compressor.

Treat the machine well; it will treat you well too.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.