Things Try in Dinner Rut

Even though cooking in the kitchen can be tons of fun, it’s not uncommon to feel stuck in a rut. Even though you need to eat in order to live, the process of cooking is still a really creative process. When you’re stuck in any type of creative rut, it’s wise to become intentional in your efforts to spark creative inspiration again. You can pull inspiration from a variety of sources. As it relates to the kitchen, consider some of the best ways to break out of a dinner rut.

1. Try Meatless Mondays

If you live in a household where meat is present at every meal, take some time to switch things up a bit. Instead of preparing tacos with ground turkey meat or ground beef, try a vegan or vegetarian meat substitute. If you don’t want to try one of the faux meats, use nuts and beans to prepare some of your beloved dishes. When it’s prepared correctly, a black bean burger can be an incredible dinner option. Pair it with some homemade fries and delicious toppings in order to enjoy a delectable evening meal.

2. Consider a Meal Kit or Delivery Service

Try a Toronto healthy meal delivery service in order to combine new flavors, sauces, and ingredients. When you use a meal delivery service, you get introduced to new approaches to cooking without leaving your front door. There are times when people get stuck in a rut because they’re tired. By getting a kit delivered to you, you’ll preserve your own energy, enjoy a great meal and increase your chances of breaking out of that rut.

3. Visit a New Restaurant

Do an online search to discover a new restaurant in your local area. Instead of standing over a stove, take a break and try a new restaurant. Pay attention to how they combine different flavors. Notice the condiments they use. If you really like a particular dish, try to see if you can recreate it at home. This is also an awesome way to support your local economy. Plus, there are times when distance makes the heart grow fonder. Spending a night or two away from the kitchen might be the reset you need in order to get excited about cooking again.

4. Try a Dish from a Different Culture

If you’re used to cooking Ethiopian food on a daily basis, branch out and try a few Italian dishes. If you’re constantly tacos for dinner, try to make a platter of sushi. Try a new spice, and learn more about where it comes from. Look for ways to add that particular spice to your repertoire. Most people have cinnamon in their pantries, but cardamom is highly underrated. Learn more about how to add cardamom to hot drinks or even baked treats that you can enjoy after dinner.

5. Make Breakfast for Dinner

If you tend to bookmark a ton of breakfast recipes, now is the time to dust them off and try your hand at breakfast for dinner. Breakfast foods are universally beloved. Whether you make delicious omelets and home fries, decadent slices of french toast, or fruit galettes, make uniquely extravagant breakfast dishes for dinner. These are the breakfast options you’ve always wanted to try, but never have the time to make them in the morning.

6. Learn a New Cooking Method

Purchase a new cooking tool that you can challenge yourself to learn how to use. If you don’t own a cast-iron skillet, purchase one that you can use in order to make macaroni cheese, cornbread, or chocolate chip cookies. A cast-iron skillet provides a different flavor that other tools can’t. The same concept applies to the grill. If you don’t know how to grill meats, vegetables, and fish, purchase an inexpensive grill and practice. As you learn how to use different wood chips, grilling techniques, and flavors, you’ll become a grillmaster.

As you become creative and resourceful with your efforts, it’ll become much easier to break out of your culinary plateau. In addition to discovering a new level of excitement for cooking, you might discover new strategies to help you breathe life into other ruts you’re experiencing your life. With some focus, intentionality, and creative inspiration, you can break out of dinner rut and any other rut in your life.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.