cloud migration.

Different types of organizations working in the present digital era might not like the idea of migration but this is pivotal for their business strategies. This is where the need for strategic cloud migration arises. In this article, we analyze the different aspects of cloud migration in detail.

Reasons for migration to the cloud

A report by logic monitor concluded that more than one-third of the digital enterprises would be run via the public cloud platform by 2030. This is especially beneficial for start-ups in the digital world who are looking to make rapid advances in this field. There are a lot of advantages that are associated with the public cloud.

To start with, utilizing the resources of the public cloud ecosystem automatically saves cost, as it does away with the requirement of on-premise infrastructure. Another advantage is that it enables different types of organizations to optimize their digital strategies by providing a range of digital services.

In addition to this, maintenance of on-premise infrastructure which is usually a time-consuming task is no more a hurdle in the public cloud. Lastly, the public cloud also improves digital efficiency and business agility in the long run. By virtue of the feedback mechanism, companies can react to the pulse of the market to take appropriate decisions in a timely manner.

Challenges of cloud migration

We acknowledge that cloud services provide a lot of benefits but the challenges associated with them cannot be ignored. In the cloud ecosystem, it is observed that users are often unable to access different types of apps and data. This drastically affects the operations and leads to increased costs for the company.

Next in line is the security and compliance issues. The cases of data breaches are making stories restricting the new players to migrate to the cloud. It is believed that the cloud ecosystem is full of lacunae that can be easily attacked by hackers and data privacy can be compromised. Lastly, there exists a skill gap when we speak of smooth migration to the cloud environment. Negotiating with a new set of technical systems can be challenging for different stakeholders.

Best practices

The first task at hand is to map out an effective migration strategy. This enables us to optimize our business objectives before migration to the cloud. One of the best strategies for cloud migration is to chalk out a plan for migration in a phased manner. After this, we work on the governance model so that security and compliance issues are resolved. For this, we need to prepare a detailed rule book for smooth cloud migration.

The cloud governance model helps us monitor data breaches and the inherent risks of keeping our data with third parties. After the governance issues have been resolved, we ensure the optimization of our network. For this, we require a dedicated internet connection that is faster, better, and secure. This is because, after migration to the cloud environment, a faster network connection allows you to access your data and apps at the time and place of your choosing.


For a company that has been working on traditional skills for a very long time, an abrupt exposure to new skills might be challenging. It might become very difficult to negotiate with new skills. For this, we recommend the early training of staff via different types of training sessions so that the familiarity with cloud concepts is developed at an early stage.


The management of software licensing is very important during cloud migration. One of the major issues which companies face during cloud migration is the continuity of their existing license. The existing license for on-premise software may or may not extend to the cloud ecosystem. However, some of the cloud service providers allow continuity with an existing license through a program called bring your own software and license program (BYOSL).


To avoid any type of service discrepancy, the automation strategy is often adopted by a company for ease of migration. By automating repeated patterns, the overall efficiency of the migration process is ensured. The most important advantages associated with automation are the lowering of cost and speeding up of existing processes.

Concluding remarks

In the present times, businesses want to remain competitive in a market that is subjected to numerous fluctuations. One of the best ways to maintain this competitive nature is to migrate to the cloud environment. The above-mentioned best practices can serve as a roadmap for a smooth migration to the cloud.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.