restless leg syndrome

Restless leg syndrome is a nervous system disorder that causes an uncomfortable sensation and an uncontrollable urge to move your legs. It is considered a sleep disorder because it usually occurs or gets worse while you are at rest. Therefore, you might have trouble sleeping or sitting for a long time with this condition. It may get worse if you don’t get treatment. Over time, a loss of sleep can induce problems at home and work. However, there are natural ways to help restless leg syndrome

Restless leg syndrome can affect anyone but it is more common in women as well as middle-aged people. Sometimes, doctors don’t identify RLS, especially if symptoms are mild and don’t happen often, but once the disease is diagnosed it is possible to stop it. 

Symptoms of the condition

The main symptom of RLS is an urge to move your legs. Common characteristics that accompany RLS are:

  1. Sensation in the legs: the sensation in the legs usually begins when you try to sleep or are sitting down in the same position for a long time. 
  2. Relief with movement: the sensation reduces with movement, such as jiggling your legs, stretching, pacing or walking.   
  3. Worsening of symptoms at night: symptoms of RLS usually occur in the evening and gets worse at night when you try to sleep. 
  4. Leg twitching: RLS may be associated with a more common condition called periodic limb movement of sleep, which causes your leg to twitch, possibly throughout the night, while you sleep. 

RLS symptoms vary from mild to severe. They might come and go, and the severity can change between episodes. Generally, symptoms always go away in the morning so people suffering from RLS can then sleep well. 

Causes of restless leg syndrome

Doctors don’t know the exact cause of RLS but your genes might play a role. It can also be tied to: 

  • Chronic diseases, such as Parkinson’s and diabetes.
  • Some medications can make your symptoms worse.
  • Some women have RLS during pregnancy.
  • A lack of sleep or another sleep disorder, like apnea, can trigger RLS symptoms.

Natural ways to help restless leg syndrome

There are plenty of home remedies that can treat restless leg syndrome naturally, including those for immediate relief and long-term relief.

Remedies for immediate relief

The following tips may help with instant relief from RLS symptoms, although the relief may be temporary:

  • Moving your legs by walking around the house or indulging in some other form of physical activity. 
  • Doing gentle stretching exercises before bedtime.
  • Gently rubbing or massaging the legs.
  • Applying a hot or cold compression to the legs.
  • Wearing compression socks or leg wraps that apply consistent pressure to the legs.
  • Taking a hot shower to relax leg muscles.

People who experience more intense symptoms of RLS may require treatment that provides long-term relief. Such methods include changes in lifestyle, supplements, medication or a blend of all of them. 

Changes in daily routine for long-term relief

Following are some lifestyle tips that may help a person to get long-term relief from RLS symptoms: 

  1. Avoid stimulants: people with RLS should avoid stimulants, especially in the evening. Stimulants may worsen your RLS symptoms and examples include: 
  • Caffeine
  • Nicotine
  • Alcohol.
  • Maintaining good sleep habits: sufferers of RLS may benefit from a regular sleep routine that includes:
  • Sleeping and waking at the same time each day.
  • Avoiding daytime sleep.
  • Taking time to relax before bed.
  • Avoiding caffeine and other stimulants, especially in the evening.
  • Stay active throughout the day: a long time lying down or sitting down in the same position can trigger RLS symptoms. According to health experts, people with RLS should perform moderate exercise throughout the day to keep RLS symptoms at bay. However, research shows that people with RLS should avoid exercise close to bedtime. Exercise in the morning to maximize the relief effects. 
  1. Gentle stretching before bed: stretching the calf muscles may help prevent or alleviate cramps associated with RLS. Below are the steps to perform a calf stretch:
  • Stand in a comfortable position facing the wall, with one foot in front of the other and both heels flat against the floor.
  • Bend towards the wall, keeping your back leg straight and both heels flat against the floor. You will feel a strong pull down the calf of your leg.
  • Hold the position for 20 seconds and repeat the exercise three times on each leg. 
  • Iron and magnesium supplements: people who suffer from iron and magnesium deficiency may trigger the symptoms of RLS. So, boost your iron and magnesium intake to eliminate the discomfort of RLS. Magnesium is a natural relaxant and it will relax your muscles, reducing the discomfort of RLS. 

The bottom line

Some people with RLS never seek medical attention because they think they won’t be taken seriously. However, RLS can interfere with your sleep and affect your quality of life. Try home remedies or seek medical help if you are experiencing the symptoms of RLS. 

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.