Every student wants to crack the CA Intermediate exam on the first attempt. Some of them achieve rankings, but some did not. Here comes the question, why the student cannot pass the exam on the first attempt. This is not about students not working hard; it may be because they do not have a good method or proper study plan. You have three months to complete the CA intermediate syllabus. For this, you have to make an appropriate study plan.
Through preparation, students must care about their mistakes and correct them on time. Here, we sharing how to prepare for CA Intermediate (New Course Syllabus) in 3 months?
How To Pass CA Intermediate In First Attempt Easily
Success is not easy; you have to work hard. To clear the CA Intermediate in the first attempt make a plan. Here are some tips for completing the syllabus in 3 months;
1) Study Daily To Complete CA Intermediate Syllabus
From the beginning, you must study 7-8 hours a day. If you want to succeed, then complete the syllabus on time. Try to cover practical and theoretical topics every day. Study and practice daily, solve mock test papers, and revise test papers, will help you in exams and improve your study.
2) Review Previous Study
Morning is the best time to revise or learn theory subjects. Study topics in the evening and revise in the morning to know whether you learn or not. If you don’t do this, you will be demented and forget the previous year’s chapters. Therefore, revise the syllabus in the morning.
3) Avoid The Virtual World
Entertainment is necessary for everyone’s life but under control. We are not saying that using social media is bad, but everyone has two aspects, depending on whether you use social media for good or bad purposes. If you use social media while studying, it will be to your detriment. Because social media consumes more time and keeps engage them for hours, stay away from mobile phones while studying.
4) Study During Vacations
Studying during the holidays is the best time. Don’t waste time on useless things. You are free and lonely at home. That’s why you can be fully focused on learning. Study at least 10-15 hours during the vacation. Remember one thing; if you work hard today, you will succeed tomorrow.
5) Keep Confidence In Yourself
Always maintain faith in yourself and have a practical perspective. ICAI CA is the toughest exam. But this does not mean that you lose confidence and accept failure. Many well-known CAs have also tried to clear the CA several times. So don’t lose hope and continue to believe in yourself. Try to learn and practice more.
6) Set Small Target
Before you start learning, set your goals, which subject you want to choose first, complete it, and how long does it take to complete. Set the goal that you want to complete five chapters this month. Mark a deadline and complete it. Learn the right way from the beginning.
7) Take A Short Rest
The mind wants relaxation; it is not possible to study continuously. Take a break, go for an outing, watch a movie, chat with your family, etc. This will keep you interested in learning. Moreover, if you do not rest, your mind will have difficulty capturing or focusing on learning.
Study Plan For CA Intermediate New Syllabus
Make a study plan and follow it every day. By doing this, you can achieve your goals. Get up early and learn in a timely. Because this is the truth, we never forget what we learned in the morning. You can also pass the CA Intermediate Exam according to the following study plan;
Time Activity
5:00 AM to 7:00 AM Read Theory
7:00 AM to 7:30 AM Breakfast
7:30 AM to 10:30 AM Read Theory
10:30 AM to 11:00 AM Break
11:00 AM to 1:00 PM Solve Practical Problems
1:00 PM to 2:00 PM Lunch
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM Take a nap
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM Solve Practical Problems
5:00 PM to 5:30 PM Break
5:30 PM to 8:00 PM Read theory
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM Dinner
9:00 PM to 10:00 PM Solve Practical Problems
10:00 PM to 4:00 AM Sleep
You can follow the above plan or can make a plan according to your preferences. Follow this study plan for the last two months before the exam. In the last month, revise and practice according to the exam pattern. Practice mock test papers, revised test papers, and previous year question papers. This will better your performance and helps you to complete ICAI intermediate syllabus.